Example sentences of "before [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 Some refugees managed to obtain extra ration cards , and at the Harshin and Hartishek camps food repeatedly ran out before everyone had received their ration .
2 But not before I 've listened again to Incesticide ( Geffen ) by Nirvana .
3 ‘ Yes , I like animals but I do n't like being told what to think before I 've had a chance to make up my own mind ! ’
4 Lamb himself commented : ‘ I 've had England players on the phone telling me what 's in the Mirror before I 've had time to go out and buy the paper .
5 He thought , my God , am I getting over-sensitive about this death even before I 've seen the body ?
6 Er previously I 've had , held the license of Three Fishes at Lyddon er , for three years er , previous to that I held the license of the Mason 's Arms , with for three years previous to that and before I 've been connected with the catering and licensed trade from be fifteen .
7 ‘ Even before I 've appeared , they skin me alive . ’
8 Er now unfortunately I 'm away next week , so if if the message does n't get to me before I 've gone , it 'll be the week after that I then get back to Mrs .
9 ‘ You look pale , and I do n't want you passing out on me before I 've heard the rest of this story . ’
10 Her back stiffened , and she turned on Hilda : ‘ People are going to realize that before I 've finished . ’
11 ‘ I have n't had any breakfast yet and I get dizzy if I start moving my feet fast before I 've eaten . ’
12 ‘ I very probably will , but not before I 've taken you ! ’ he gritted .
13 ‘ If you take anything else off before I 've got my suitcase out of this room , I 'll ring the police ! ’ she announced with an icy calm she was far from feeling .
14 And I think the year before years before I 've had something like forty or thirty five .
15 you know when he goes to swipe him , he can duck like that you know , before I 've even thought I was gon na even hit him he 's gone like that hit the pavement
16 Before I 'd joined they 'd called themselves Strand — after the Roxy Music song ‘ Do The Strand — and The Swankers but both these names were well past their sell-by date by the time I arrived .
17 ‘ I remember one client who burst into tears before I 'd taken the first snip , ’ said top London stylist Trevor Sorbie .
18 But , carrying baskets of buffalo dung from the pit by the cattle shed , along the road and down towards the mango tree to put it on the furthest field , my nose was burnt before I 'd walked twenty yards .
19 ‘ You can tell the difference by their boots , ’ Irena told me before I 'd had a chance to ask the question .
20 But before I 'd managed a single moan , Charlie pre-empted me .
21 When we were north of the border recently for the Scottish Music Show , before I 'd had time to look round myself , people were rushing over to describe a monster the like of which they 'd never before seen .
22 But before I 'd got very far with my story he shrugged his shoulders and said he did n't believe me .
23 I was beginning to get scared even before I 'd seen the film .
24 ‘ Overwhelmingly , doing the singles , the review was written before I 'd heard the record .
25 In fact , barn owls are reckoned to be one of the hardest breeds to hand-rear and train , and they are n't recommended for beginners — though I did n't know that then , What I did know was that I 'd probably lost the battle with this owl before I 'd started : I suspected he would be impossible to train , but I was so hooked on the idea of having my own bird that I could hardly drag myself away when I was looking at him .
26 They caught me at it , luckily , before I 'd gone over the edge .
27 The nationality rule was a beautiful get-out for them , but I only had a few months to go before I 'd been here for ten years and would have been entitled to fight for the title .
28 ‘ The first time I really took Jo on board was before I 'd ever met her .
29 But this morning she caught me unawares before I 'd had a single cup of coffee .
30 This was the old slug 's vicious inheritance , Carson thought bitterly , to dump the money on me before I 'd had a chance to learn how to fight for it or to handle it and too late for it to be of any real use .
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