Example sentences of "hour [adv] and " in BNC.

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1 We sit there for half an hour perhaps and log one car , a few walkers , several cows , perhaps a few ghosts .
2 We 've spent twenty-four hours together and in that time I 've been bitten by bugs in a hooker 's bed , tied up a guy with no legs and stolen his wheelchair , stayed cooped up in a train for twelve hours with an attractive man and behaved like a virgin .
3 Linda felt better after an hour away and glad she 'd made the effort to go across to Mrs Smythe .
4 We 'll be making up the lost hours tonight and on Monday .
5 The attack on Poland was less than forty-eight hours away and no one any longer doubted that there must be war .
6 Five hours more and she 'd breathe her last and never know them .
7 Additionally , 50 hours of practical experience between each module will be necessary , divided between 30 hours offshore and 20 hours onshore .
8 Everyone is aware that the Chancellor has a difficult ordeal to face a few hours later and no one wants to make the occasion even worse .
9 And a joke doing the rounds in various parts of the Reich had a Berliner complaining about the severity of a raid which caused all the glass to fall out of window-frames as much as five hours later and his partner from Essen retorting that that was nothing at all : pictures of the Führer were still flying out of the window fourteen days after the last attack on Essen .
10 I awoke some hours later and , feeling refreshed , went out to explore Galway .
11 ‘ The times I have gone shopping , left him babysitting , to arrive home four hours later and it all looks exactly the same or worse .
12 Playing a Stableford of the three best individual scores , they finish about 3½ hours later and sit down to a breakfast provided by the ladies .
13 Two hours later and ravenous , we settled for egg and chips at a motorway service station .
14 He was ambushed a few hours later and shot dead .
15 Six hours later and half a world away , in the Mids of Danzig Canton , Marshal Tolonen was standing in the main office of the newly formed Wiring Project .
16 The same waves reached Hawaii in the central Pacific less than 5 hours later and must have travelled at a speed of 740 km per hour .
17 She woke up some hours later and everything was clean and white and she was clean and was lying in a fresh cotton garment between stiff sheets .
18 Look too , for models with the sort of shelving that allows you to programme the machine to start work hours later and will make the operation a whole lot quieter , and the kinds that have soft food disposal units to prevent blocked drains .
19 The animals were anaesthetised three hours later and gastric blood flow and area of gastric lesions were measured as previously described .
20 Only a few hours later and Fabia was wishing with all she had that she had touched wood when she 'd made that statement .
21 ‘ Especially when I was shutting myself away until two or three in the morning , so that I was absolutely certain that I was going to be able to go into the studio a few hours later and deliver something that was believable and complete . ’
22 An empty canoe was found two hours later and a major air-sea search was started .
23 And it was about three hours later and I said to her
24 McCandless , accompanied by a Canadian student named Arthur Jaffray , spotted Mrs. O'Connor about an hour later and whilst Jaffray ran for a boat and some ropes , McCandless with complete disregard for the dangers , fought his way through the strong current to reach Mrs. O'Connor and supported her until Jaffray arrived in a boat with the woman 's father .
25 I interviewed Place in a midget submarine in Portsmouth dockyard similar to the one in which he and two other men had travelled up the long fjord in northern Norway at the head of which Tirpitz lay , cut their way through the nets surrounding her and laid charges beneath her hull which , when they exploded an hour later and Place was a prisoner-of-war on board her , put the ship out of action for six months .
26 You placed the packet , you returned an hour later and because the packet had not been taken you retrieved it .
27 An hour later and our gasping , sweaty bodies stumble across the boulders of the gully 's scree fan .
28 Carson arrived at the zoo an hour later and bought a layout map from a kiosk just inside the South gate .
29 Half an hour later and it 's damn cold in this kitchen .
30 Frankie arrived back by himself about an hour later and drove off without a word to anybody .
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