Example sentences of "able [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Sterling 's dramatic weakness in recent days has reawakened speculation in financial markets that the Government will not be able for much longer to resist joining the Exchange Rate Mechanism ( ERM ) of the EMS , the system of semi-fixed exchange rates to which most members of the European Community belong .
2 On April 3 the UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali reported to the Security Council that " it is unlikely that the UN will be able for much longer to maintain a peacekeeping presence in Cyprus on the present scale " .
3 What I found amazing , to the extent of keeping me occupied combating fluoridation during the past 20 years on a more-than full-time basis , was that the sales promotion experts employed to build the fluoridation bandwagon have been able for so long to lull most scientists and politicians into accepting this method of diluting and dumping waste fluorides at public expense .
4 Described to the French government in April 1720 as very gallant , and able in both diplomacy and the sciences , he was nevertheless criticized by one of George I 's diplomats , St Saphorin , for being too inclined to sharp practice .
5 With regard to " temporality " ( in the sense in which this concept was used above ) , this can not be regarded as a sufficient condition of particularity so long as it is not shown that temporality alone ( in the indicated sense ) ensures numerical identity of particulars ; and if we are to be able to justifiably claim that it is a necessary condition of particularity , we must first show that there can be no extra-temporal particulars . "
6 We are able to both detect and colour-code the different wavelengths in this band .
7 Whatever the truth of the matter might be , I felt more than justified in assuming that , by the same time tomorrow , I would be able to both see and smell — above all , smell — a real change in the relics .
8 Last week we were able to exclusively reveal to Mirror readers a Warner Holidays offer that slashes £300 off the price of a week-long family stay .
9 I 'd never be able to without the police getting wind of it .
10 Was able to please a customer .
11 As each slice of anti-trade union legislation has gone onto the statute book we 've become less able to effectively represent our membership .
12 So when I said to Bob this morning was it Bob , I said do n't I do n't have a magic wand that 's gon na get rid of them but what I hope I 'm gon na give you over these two days is a system whereby you can use that and can support you so you 're able to effectively present despite having the nerves and be able to put over your point of view effectively , yeah ?
13 At Maastricht , we secured agreement that the European Court will be able to fine any Member State which fails to do so .
14 The erm gipies do have a dispensation under the planning laws to have their sites and their pitches located in areas where you would not be able to normally get residential erm planning applications approved .
15 To measure the extent to which the AEC was able to successfully anticipate and overcome this potential problem a drink profile questionnaire ( DPQ ) was devised and administered before and after the course .
16 Military activity was not confined lo the European area but spread into the area known as The Middle East where an unusual British Officer , Thomas Edward Laurence , was able to successfully organise Arab tribesmen to fight for the Allies cause .
17 ‘ I flatter myself ’ , he wrote on the evening after he arrived home , ‘ that even our American friends must admit that nobody but a ‘ Britisher ’ would have been able to successfully cope with such difficulties . ’
18 With positive support from her colleagues , Lynda has been able to successfully combine a career with bringing up a family .
19 Had Ross Brown been able to touch down on completion of his powerful break ( or Nick Penny been able to cleanly gather his pass ) off a Derrick Lee snipe after Scotland had levelled at 8-8 in the second half , then a steal might have materialised .
20 To illustrate this I want to mention briefly a list of ways in which the Milltown Action Team has been able to either increase employment or increase local people 's chances of gaining employment .
21 And it does n't look as if I 'm going to be able to either , thought Donna irritably .
22 For the first time colleagues , the community will be able to legitimately address these issues and initiate action into ensuring the E C is a people 's Europe and not just a business Europe .
23 ‘ He would n't have been able to anyway because he did n't know what players we have available , ’ said Mr Moran .
24 You 're not going to be able to just look at it and write down something equals two X are you .
25 Even if he died there , they would n't be able to just throw his body away .
26 ‘ Most of our customers are second time buyers who know what they want and expect to be able to just walk in and take it off the shelf like a can of beans , ’ he says .
27 In the future we wo n't be able to just do things , we 'll have to experience them all the time .
28 We might be able to just
29 Yeah but sh he should I mean on the road , you should be able to just write in and say , I want this to happen .
30 We might have to , we might be able to get away without having to take the board out , if I if I use the old de- solderer might be able to just hook it out and put the next one in .
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