Example sentences of "six day [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For six days North passionately defended everything he had done , right and wrong alike .
2 By section 11 of the Public Order Act 1986 , anyone organising a march must give the police six days notice otherwise he may commit an offence .
3 Six days notice was required of the time and place of the weighing in order that the Lord 's agent could attend .
4 For this you receive the RYA Dinghy Handbook , a Logbook , and up to six days tuition .
5 It 's no use going on a six day trail ride , with six hours daily in the saddle , if all you want is some gentle hacking in a scenic setting , with perhaps a few longer pub rides as an added bonus .
6 On 23 November 1917 , the Battalion entrained for Italy and , after a six day journey , arrived at Marseilles and from there along the French Riviera to Ventimiglia and on to Villa del Conte to become part of the XIXth Corps , taking over positions on the Piave , and then on the Asiago Plain .
7 It leaves a four to six day delay in communication , unfortunately , but it protects Kirov 's cover .
8 Further negotiations have been taking place and a short while ago the Abingdon staff began clearing the six day backlog .
9 Jim Weir , Arthur Breen and Ann Dickson also attended Kidderminster College for a six day course on ‘ Training for Productivity and The Contribution of the Supervisor . ’
10 Some Zanskaris make a six day shopping expedition to Leh taking goat wool and yak butter to trade and returning along the river with salt , tea , sugar , rice , matches and perhaps one or two luxury items .
11 Having just finished a talk to a class of candidates for the ministry in a major denomination I was ‘ verbally assaulted ’ by the principal of the theological college concerned who picked up on a brief reference I made to Creation and Evolution and proceeded to state in the strongest possible terms that many true Christians believe in the theory of evolution and reject the biblical account of a literal six day creation as recorded in Genesis .
12 THE FIRST big wave of Russians came after the 1967 war , when Zionist feelings were awakened by Israel 's six day victory and Soviet support for the Arabs .
13 In the fourth part of Israel : A Nation Is Born ( C4 ) , Dr Abba Eban was celebrating a 25-year-old victory , the Six Day War , in which a coalition of Arab nations led by Egypt 's President Nasser set out to destroy the Jewish state and got a bloody nose from the Israeli pre-emptive strike .
14 Many Arabs who lost their homes in what became the state of Israel and settled on the West Bank in 1948 became refugees for a second time during the Six Day War in 1967 .
15 Then in June 1967 , Romania failed to break off diplomatic relations with Israel after the outbreak of the Six Day War .
16 ISRAEL : Fighting between Israel and Palestinians over the Occupied Territories captured in the Six Day War of 1967 .
17 However , contrary to the expectations of some commentators , Bessmertnykh did not use his visit to announce the restoration of full diplomatic relations , broken off by the Soviet Union during the 1967 Six Day War .
18 Two events were responsible : the Six Day War in the Middle East ( June 1967 ) and the General 's trip to Canada ( July 1967 ) .
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