Example sentences of "able get [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Up to 1990 she was able to get practically any book she wanted , no matter how old .
2 But times have changed and chefs may not be able to get away with overcharging for simple dishes using relatively inexpensive ingredients for much longer … or perhaps they will .
3 I went out to the theatre and the opera a lot , and when I had some time off , I was usually able to get away somewhere .
4 ‘ We thought it was as good an excuse as any and we were all able to get away at the same time .
5 It is perhaps for that reason that the pensions industry had been able to get away with such arrangements for so long .
6 No manager , in any half-decent company , is able to get away with claiming that he has made all the improvements it is possible to make .
7 Anne felt an urge to throw the kind of temper tantrum she had been able to get away with when she was six years old .
8 The plane might have been forced down by fighters or other enemy action , or had to land for some other reason , and we do n't know whether the men were able to get away all right or not .
9 They have been able to get away with it , because it is difficult to reproach the Germans for pursuing an excessively sound monetary policy and sticking to low inflation .
10 She experienced changeable moods and panic attacks — she had n't been on holiday for 20 years and could n't even go out to dinner for fear of not being able to get away .
11 Would they be able to get away in time ?
12 ‘ If I can get drunk enough on this stuff I might be able to get away with it at the next repatriation board . ’
13 They were usually first on the spot on a mission , so were often able to get away before the enemy night fighters were fully aware of the situation , and also , as they carried target indicators and markers , their heavy bomb load was consequently reduced .
14 This group also has a sitting-in service , which is often necessary for carers if they are going to be able to get away and attend meetings at all .
15 Very soon , when those two stalwarts had gone , the chances of her being able to get away would be far more remote .
16 I want to be able to get away from it . ’
17 They seem to be able to get away with anything .
18 Occasionally she has been able to get away and walk the streets of London , or slip out with friends without looking over her shoulder .
19 Mr Clarke , on the other hand , may be able to get away with some early twists and U-turns .
20 He was able to get away for a two week holiday in Switzerland at the end of August , where he relaxed and swam in Lake Geneva : it was the one European country which he found not to have changed out of all recognition , and he took an annual holiday there .
21 I thought this was quite a plus actually , because we were able to get away with murder during the beginning , in some ways doing things that on paper looked very expensive but in reality balanced out over the year we were scheduled . ’
22 Management today may be able to get away with it , but it is creating a legacy for those who will have to manage organisations in the future .
23 Instead , governments were able to get away with lending fleets of military transport planes and the real benefactors were the armed forces for whom it was a giant PR exercise and useful practice .
24 Fortunately it did n't although the Romanians were able to get away for the silver .
25 There is a a colossal amount of inconsistency er of a kind that if we were to practice such inconsistency in our courts there would be there would be absolute outcry and it 's it 's something of a scandal I think that er that the police and the executive generally are apparently able to get away with inconsistencies which we are not .
26 With Boz out of the caravan I was able to get away for a while .
27 Meetings therefore always took place at five-thirty in the evening , a time when a politician , a lawyer or a captain of industry might be expected to be able to get away from his office for an important private occasion .
28 You will be able to get away without including any REMarks in simple programs .
29 They wo n't be able to get away with that one now . ’
30 Ward said : ‘ He is causing a bit of a headache for us , but he 's been able to get away with it so far because he has been unknown , but it will be increasingly difficult for him if he keeps trying . ’
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