Example sentences of "almost [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Scientists then take these unfinished , inexact hypotheses and present them to other scientists for the express purpose of seeing if the hypothesis will not in fact be shot full of holes , hoping almost that it will be so shot , because Knowledge and Truth are thereby served , if only negatively , in having one more tenuous , groping hypothesis about the nature of the world shown to be false .
2 Almost immediately it became clear that the river was kicking back at the abuse it was receiving .
3 Almost immediately it becomes clear that both the number of management levels and number of managers can be sharply cut .
4 Almost immediately it has vanished , able somehow to levée and jetée through the undergrowth without a sound .
5 Lisa looked up , and although Folly swung away almost immediately it was too late .
6 Almost immediately it was revealed that he had told a radio interviewer on the morning of the lunch that there would be no such tax on gold-mining companies , and he was forced to return to parliament later on April 11 to admit that his memory of events had been mistaken .
7 But the chief aim was to construct what was in some ways an analogue of the dynamics of the personnel situation which could be watched almost while it moved .
8 Weir got out of commodity , or off-the-shelf , engineering goods , which it had been making almost since it was founded by the family in 1871 , seeing them as too sensitive to changes to domestic demand and expensive to produce compared with international competitors .
9 Serious structural problems have blighted the building almost since it was opened by Sir Roger Bannister in 1983 .
10 Well , I was n't prepared to believe that my career would be over almost before it had started .
11 Lancaster Gate awoke on Monday to find itself accused of doing nothing almost before it had had time to consider doing anything .
12 The thought , however , evaporated almost before it had formed .
13 As he watched , a mink pounced on the vole and , although the vole dived from the bank for safety at the last minute , the mink had grabbed it almost before it hit the water .
14 The brief moment of semi-unity in Spain was over almost before it had begun .
15 I was welcomed in through the front door almost before it was opened , and settled down in front of a Victorian stove that was brimming with hot coals .
16 On 5 July they set sail with a fair wind , but the adventure ended almost before it had begun for , 120 miles [ 192 km ] off the coast of Brittany , the little taskforce was challenged by the 60-gun Lion .
17 They 're bound to take to Filmer too , you know how civilized he can seem , and I do n't suppose news of the trial got much attention here since it collapsed almost before it began .
18 Paradise is lost , so to speak , almost before it is found , and it is never possessed and savoured .
19 If it does indeed prove to be the case that the GCSE becomes outmoded almost before it has begun , for the reasons discussed in this chapter , this will represent a tragic waste of scarce educational resources .
21 Three times he recalled his favourite , Piers Gaveston , from an exile imposed on him first by Edward I and then by the barons ; the Ordinances , to which the king was sworn in 1311 and again in 1317 , he treated with contempt ; the expulsion of the Despensers , father and son , was reversed almost before it was enforced .
22 Buzz was out of the car almost before it rolled to a halt on the gravel forecourt .
23 Perhaps if he were to send her money … but the thought died almost before it had crossed his mind .
24 He saw Richmann 's clubbing motion with the gun almost before it happened , and a voice from the past called for him to run .
25 She got off the ground so quickly with her public relations it was squashed almost before it came to life . "
26 The Dakar fiasco came close to ending de Gaulle 's political career almost before it had begun .
27 The classes are on Tuesday evenings from 7.15 to 9.15 pm , a two-hour session which seems to be over almost before it has started , such is the enjoyment .
28 But he remained general manager of the Southern Region , almost as it were being his own superior .
29 At least Stoke-by-Nayland is still almost as it appeared to Constable 's eye .
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