Example sentences of "almost as [conj] " in BNC.

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1 With the James , we are told who did it ; in the Ackroyd , the matted fellow who is the chief suspect is never very securely identified as the author of the crimes — it is almost as if the inspector could have done it : so that Ackroyd 's is an authorially uncertain work in which the authorship of its crimes is uncertain too .
2 It is almost as if we are confronted here by a replication of the poor Tom described in Ackroyd 's novel by another poor Tom of later times .
3 It is almost as if the catholic Irish people become a people of God in Old Testament terms , in a way similar to the Northern Calvinists , a people which have overriding power to set up their domain .
4 Almost as if to test the political religious alliance of catholic nationalists in the South , the constitutional issue of divorce arose in 1986 as part of Dr Garret FitzGerald 's constitutional crusade ( see Cooney 1986 ) to make the Southern state more palatable to Northerners .
5 THE VERY first line of Edward Albee 's Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? - ‘ What a dump ! ’ — is spoken by the play 's feminine protagonist in a parody of the classic Bette Davis manner : an ( imaginary ) cigarette held imperiously at eye-level , eyes blazing like the headlamps of an automobile , bee-sting lips enunciating each word ( including the ‘ a ’ ) for absolutely maximum effect , almost as if they had been snipped out of a newspaper headline by a writer of anonymous letters .
6 He refers to himself in the third person quite frequently , almost as if his stage persona is a separate being .
7 But she said that almost as if it were expected of her rather than with conviction — and the family knew it .
8 The Druze leader , Mr Walid Jumblatt — who , like others in the Syrian camp , is far from happy with the Taif accord — accused the Arab League envoy , Mr Lakhear Ibrahimi , of interfering in Lebanon 's internal affairs , almost as if ‘ he wants to become prime minister himself ’ .
9 It is almost as if Thomas was trying to create , in fiction , an alternative pattern his life might have followed .
10 It was almost as if I had received a blow to the heart .
11 It was almost at the end of surgery and it was almost as if the doctor were expecting me ; and later , I could hardly wait to tell Leo what had happened .
12 It is almost as if we are dealing with quite another God .
13 The fact was put neatly by Barbara Betts , later Barbara Castle , when reporting upon the Labour Party Conference in October 1931 : ‘ It was almost as if it feared to probe too deeply lest it should be disillusioned as to the integrity of Uncle Arthur [ Henderson ] . ’
14 We are left talking to each other almost as if we had met before .
15 Almost as if , having proclaimed himself paralytic in court , he was setting about proving it over and over again .
16 It is simply not enough to accept , almost as if it were an understandable and reasonable attitude , that Mary preferred to remain in France , and dream of the English throne , rather than return to Scotland .
17 AS commonly happens in concerts given by the opera world 's greatest stars , it was almost as if the two official parts of the eagerly awaited Albert Hall appearance of tenor Jose Carreras ( sponsored by Lloyds Private Banking ) had been a huge , preparatory up-beat to the encores .
18 Mr Fallon , known as the man who described the TV series Neighbours as ‘ junk ’ , has a look of stoic resignation , almost as if some injustice has occurred , while his wife registers a wary but altogether more wistful expression .
19 The second method tries to analyse the structure of the fossil almost as if it were a piece of engineering .
20 Now , with the dawn breaking and his death so close , he found himself strangely sanguine — almost as if he were an abstract entity observing , from another place , the last chapter of his life .
21 It 's almost as if some teachers hold the belief that the best parents are those that are docile and ignorant about the school , leaving the professionals to get on with the job .
22 Instead Beatrice retreated behind long translations of French poetry , light satire and erudite literary discussion , almost as if a part of her had died .
23 Marcus still stood looking down , almost as if he were now puzzled and did not know what to do next .
24 She had at times , almost as if it were a comfort , at least something accustomed , run through the fruitless litany of remorse : I ought not to have tolerated his infidelities , I ought to have stopped it at the start , I have colluded with his depravity , it is all my fault .
25 Almost as if he had willed himself there , he found himself standing on the scree at the foot of the rock wall , staring upwards , searching with the little experience he had gained on school climbing expeditions for footholds .
26 It was almost as if he had chosen this quiet tunnel in a relatively quiet station so that he could sing to himself undisturbed , carry on singing without having to admit to himself that this was a hopeless task , that he was n't going to get anything .
27 Although Steven Morrissey 's general depression , disgust and horror was certainly fuel for his songwriting ( he wrote constantly , almost as if in anticipation of the forthcoming band ) , he never really thought to question why he wrote .
28 It is almost as if the muscles controlled the fingers as marionettes are controlled by their strings .
29 It is , however , almost as if it did not have one .
30 It was almost as if he had found his raison d'être because beforehand he had shown little motivation to find conventional employment .
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