Example sentences of "happen it [be] " in BNC.

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1 And an enjoyable match frankly there 's always er something happening it 's lively .
2 To understand what is happening it is crucial to see Marxism not in the guise which it claims for itself — namely a scientific method — but as an ideology — a set of beliefs and ideas which help us interpret the world and provide a basis for action — which is a substitute for the religious vacuum left by the decline of Christianity in the West .
3 When that happens it is rare for the band to win the resulting battle and emerge unscathed .
4 When this happens it is time to celebrate and consider all the various offers raining in from the major labels .
5 Trained dog observers tell me that when this happens it is equivalent to rapid eye movement in human beings and the animal is dreaming .
6 When this happens it is more likely that the two strands mix indifferently .
7 Whenever this happens it is a sad waste of the stimulus which projects can engender .
8 ‘ We have contingency plans for a major incident like this but when it happens it is very difficult to cope .
9 ‘ I have seen people badly hurt in the sport , broken arms and fingers , gouged eyes , but when that happens it 's because people are n't doing it right .
10 That 's important and of course when you lose , really lose your powers of coordination then you lose the ability to look after yourself , you ca n't dress yourself , you ca n't feed yourself and when that happens it 's into a home and geriatric ward and be looked after .
11 It 's not exactly what 's gon na happen in the plot we all know what happens it 's like how it will happen
12 Whatever happens it 's time to raise one last glass to Cheers and the end of a decade of vintage comedy .
13 Whatever happens it 's time to raise one last glass to Cheers and the end of a decade of vintage comedy .
14 Erm well as it happens it 's er that , this is something I wanted to bring up with you .
15 And if nothing happens it 's even cosier !
16 I suppose whatever happened it 's not right Far too these ones are alright .
17 When this happened it was clear that the defensive need was over .
18 As it happened it was n't a bad lie , so instead of 1-iron , 2-iron to the green , he 's now playing driver , 5-iron .
19 I started playing when I was seven , so by the time The Stones happened it was not difficult for me to play , so I could appreciate it for the music alone .
20 The marriage , which was a political one , took some time to complete , since bride and groom passed a whole month in Saint-Jean before the ceremony ; but when it happened it was very splendid , with much bestowing of jewels , especially by the wealthy minister , Cardinal Mazarin , whose niece Louis had originally been most anxious to marry but who was opportunely exiled by her uncle in the interests of the nation .
21 But then what happened it was so successful for and I think got so greedy on it they decided to go an American
22 But happen it 's for the best ; you had to know some time .
23 Happen it 's too late , though . ’
24 You say it may happen it is going to happen now .
25 That is not the only , if it 's not gon na happen it 's not the only answer is it ?
26 If this does n't happen it 's almost like it 's never happened any other way
27 Anyway , and I mean , just a , I mean it might not happen it was just like
28 What 's happened it 's the world again to use J B Phillips translation this time the Romans twelve two , that , that the world the precious around us has pushed us here and is as dented at there and it squeezed us out of the mould , the purpose the pattern that God had for us , into its own mould , a warped mould , a distorted picture , that has what has happened .
29 First of all , as I say , we only deal through motor traders anyway , and there is this liability that the motor trade have anyway , and obviously if if something like that has happened it 's going to occur fairly rapidly , but certainly within three months or three thousand miles , and obviously the owner of the vehicle has a redress to the dealer and obviously if there 's one of our policies on it we would probably accept liability on that , although I ca n't say for definite .
30 As neither has happened it is probable that the incidence of HIV-1 infection among homosexual men has not fallen .
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