Example sentences of "idea be [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Other good ideas are to fill the window with plants hung from the ceiling ; to fit glass shelves for a collection of coloured china or masses of pretty pot plants .
2 But if ideas are to fit the world there must be something which answers to that generality .
3 Such ideas were to preoccupy Coleridge as the year drew to a close .
4 In this respect the Prince 's ideas were to remain constant , for on reading this early pamphlet one sees the future constitution of the Empire clearly outlined .
5 These ideas were to prove fruitful in the longer term , but their immediate practical impact was small .
6 One of their ideas is to put a band on a lorry and drive round the block at lunch-time belting out the old traddies — the stuff you play .
7 Reading the most imaginative stories and ideas is to participate in a mental adventure and to be lifted by the unchainable spirit of man .
8 To sit down in meditation and think of these mystical ideas is to poise oneself for the transcendent journey .
9 One of the latest ideas is to make a woolbearing pig .
10 Thus the form of dominant ideas is to express social relations in terms of the interests of the dominant classes as if they were the common interest .
11 As we shall see in Chapter 4 , one of the first results of these ideas was to transform the social survey .
12 One of his ideas was to convince the Italians that there was a large airborne force in the Middle East .
13 One of his ideas was to travel to different churches and town halls , providing all entertainment and giving an address about deafness .
14 However , booksellers may offer discounts at their own discretion on the sale of multiple copies , the idea being to enable educational authorities to purchase competitively quantities of copies , in supplying which the bookseller does not incur his usual overhead costs because of the volume of the business .
15 Several criteria will be used to select the firms ; the idea being to maximise the variety of cases studied .
16 Late test flights were conducted with strands of cotton between the control arm and the frame , the idea being to demonstrate that no control movement was necessary during flight .
17 This lethal game is often called ‘ last across ’ , the idea being to see how close you can be to a train before it hits you or you can get out of the way .
18 On this occasion the Director , against Cusick 's advice , decided to do the shot by actually burying a full-size Dalek in a sand pit , the idea being to use a tow rope , attached to a Land Rover , to pull the machine from its sandy grave .
19 Each section is relatively short , the idea being to avoid extended periods of continuous reading from the screen .
20 The idea being to catch the Islander up and land at a similar time .
21 The idea being to make the bottom of the bell tower into a small vestry .
22 Accordingly , US PC Week reports , Taligent now plans to ship technology to developers later this year , starting with development tools for OS/2 , AIX and Macintosh System 7 , the idea being to get developers started with the new technology .
23 With all the cat rods out we returned to the carp rods and decided to start fishing with sweetcorn and luncheon meat all on straight running leger rigs , the idea being to get some indication of any activity early on .
24 It is a form of bowls , the idea being to get your ball near a jack .
25 And er the idea is to highlight the things that you feel are pertinent to you and what you 're going to do about them .
26 No , the idea is to open it without so much as a nun 's fart .
27 The idea is to create huge solar lakes on the Dead Sea .
28 Another interesting idea is to create a silhouette picture .
29 The idea is to create goodwill by producing a really helpful guide or a series of ideas which will be of use to customers and potential customers .
30 The idea is to create employment until the total unemployment is brought down to half a million .
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