Example sentences of "idea [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Encourage children to write about ‘ the trouble with teachers ’ and ‘ the school I would like ’ they may well come up with ideas worth adopting .
2 Then he turned up and explained his ideas about bringing electricity to Low Birk Hatt .
3 Oliver was a whiny child , partly , I think , because Nonni had set ideas about bringing up babies which involved feeding them at set hours and leaving them to cry in between .
4 Neither is anybody convinced that the Union has any ideas about bringing about genuine improvement within the game .
5 I have very clear ideas about dressing gowns .
6 I tell him if he harbours any ideas about staying with me , he 'd better kick the gear .
7 Our four teachers represented the best in modern ideas about teaching English , the new consensus between the traditional and the progressive which had become increasingly dominant in Britain during the 1980s .
8 This contempt derives from the 1950s and 1960s , when some senior educationalists committed themselves to fashionable ideas about teaching English : that children would learn to read naturally without the help of formal instruction , or that their writing should be the product not of craft but of free expression .
9 I do n't want you to get any ideas about replacing Jonathan with me , because it just wo n't work .
10 There 's a lot of erm , conflicting ideas about using Abbey 's rate book and , and you might look very confusing in itself , but actually it 's not half so bad as it seems .
11 From his headquarters in Weston-super-Mare , Burniston tells me , ‘ Although one of two privately owned clubs may have ideas about taking over the pro 's shop , I believe that a good shop run by the professional and his staff is essential at a club . ’
12 Some people have weird ideas about speechreading .
13 The two men were at the top of the stairs and almost within grabbing distance , but if either had tried it he would have left his fingers in the frame as the bang echoed through the house and Carson thumbed the deadlock button , just in case they had any ideas about picking their way in .
14 The danger otherwise is the development of utopian ideas about moving towards ideal systems without true recognition of the problems involved , ideas that , at a global level of consideration , can also seem appealing to the client .
15 They have grandiose ideas about creating a plutonium economy , built upon advanced reactors , reprocessing plants and thermal reactors burning plutonium fuel .
16 This idea of a hierarchy of control allows the analyst to focus on each element in turn , and derive ideas about monitoring and controlling at various levels .
17 lot of ideas about getting an idea about did you , am I in the class just now ?
18 In listing the objectives that shape the exhibition , Whitney museum curator Elizabeth Sussman said her team of curators searched for ‘ the best new work that speaks to us in a compelling manner and in some cases challenges conventional ideas about artmaking .
19 The Conservative governments of the 1980s saw school admissions as a key area in which to put into practice some of the New Right ideas about introducing free market principles into the education system , whilst at the same time deriving political capital from giving some legal recognition to parents ' ‘ moral right ’ to choose how their children are educated .
20 He has a rule about her coming alone on these expeditions , but we have one or two ideas about changing the rules this time . ’
21 And again , ‘ … ideas about separating , purifying , demarcating and punishing transgressions have as their main function to impose system on an inherently untidy experience .
22 ‘ Do n't get any ideas about having me back again . ’
23 The CNAA was aware of strong controlling tendencies by the local authority , and indeed the Director of Education , who was retiring , was known to ‘ have ideas about becoming Director of the Polytechnic ’ .
24 ‘ I would n't get any ideas about running if I were you , ’ he said , looking her over as if he were contemplating buying .
25 Wayne was hoping that nobody else would get any ideas about joining them .
26 In addition , it will be useful to examine the idea that pre-literate societies , either in antiquity or those existing in the contemporary world , have more ( or more far-fetched ) mystical ideas about dreaming than our own .
27 Ideas about representing the structure of energy and movement were sought through experimentation with new materials and light .
28 I had some faint ideas about releasing , but David was able to give me some valuable advice on how to go about it .
29 Yet it often happens that when a new kung fu student enters a kwoon , with pre-conceived ideas about fighting , and is shown basic techniques that look as though they were aimed at primary school level , he looks for more in those techniques than there actually is .
30 Children comparing ideas about keeping healthy could make a class graph showing what they consider contributes to health .
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