Example sentences of "nothing to her " in BNC.

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1 I do n't say nothing to her — I just stare at her a bit .
2 ‘ I know all about her and her refills — 100 ccs more or less mean nothing to her .
3 She was smiling again , as if all the unpleasantness in the kitchen had meant nothing to her .
4 I said nothing to her , of course ; she was considered almost a goddess in Berlin , had a huge following .
5 Her mother had said nothing to her , of course , but every glance , every cup of tea was full of unspoken reproach .
6 She could hardly hear them because of the din , and the few words and phrases that she did catch — ‘ tolerances to five thou ’ , ‘ cross-boring ’ , ‘ CNC machine ’ , ‘ indexes round ’ — meant nothing to her .
7 I expect you 'd think nothing to her .
8 Her legs ached already from the walk which once would have meant nothing to her .
9 Without him , life would mean nothing to her .
10 Kevin and his brother were putting back the whiskeys and talking about things that meant nothing to her .
11 She knew that Nicky was really nothing to her now .
12 At first the Jones said that there was nothing Olwyn liked enough to change her behaviour for and that punishment meant absolutely nothing to her .
13 Others were obscure , yet-to-come images that meant nothing to her .
14 Discretion meant nothing to her .
15 It means nothing to her .
16 Even if the messages were not true ( and she had no hope that they might be true ) at least somebody believed sufficiently in their truth to pay cash for them , to rent hoardings and to put up posters for them , and that in itself offered some kind of alternative : Christianity meant nothing to her , but she was glad that in despite of her mother 's defection , it existed .
17 The first is that he has got her into bed so easily and the second is that it seems to mean nothing to her .
18 In other circumstances she would have been more than willing to engage in this conversation herself , for it was one she had frequently enjoyed ; she liked Otto , she had always mildly fancied that he liked her , she was amused by the offhand continental gallantries with which he interspersed , absent-mindedly , the rigour of his argument ; but tonight she was tired , her eyes were closing , she had had four hours of party already , had not enjoyed the Hargreaves drama , had not enjoyed her talks with Ivan Warner and Teddy Lazenby , had been polite enough for long enough , and wanted to go home ; so stood at Brian 's elbow , dully , a reproachful wife , slightly annoyed that neither of them took much notice of her , as Otto invoked the name of Max Weber , a name which meant nothing to her at all , a name which excluded her , exhausted her , and provoked her into prodding , yet again , but this time successfully , Brian 's arm , and murmuring of baby-sitter Sharon , who was only sixteen .
19 The names meant nothing to her , as her own family austerity eschewed , in characteristic northern professional manner , any interest in the visual arts , but she picked up what they were meant to mean .
20 This list was headed with the letters , A.I.C. , which meant nothing to her .
21 Even the cash-flow predictions they cared about so much were nothing to her but answers she wanted ticked .
22 She was invited into the cockpit , and shown the controls , which meant nothing to her .
23 He had said nothing to her of what was in the journal .
24 Did that mean nothing to her ?
25 I did nothing to her .
26 It meant nothing to her .
27 His excitement meant nothing to her ; she felt she was covering him with a pall of ash .
28 There 's nothing to her but … ’
29 She was hurt that John had said nothing to her about it , and decided that she would avoid him in future .
30 At the time , the term meant nothing to her , but she had been intrigued , read the references to the religious wars in the regional guide-book and mentally filed the information for future use .
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