Example sentences of "study of the " in BNC.

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1 In a detailed study of the Stormont archives , Bew , Gibbon , and Patterson ( 1979 ) have shown that there were indeed different currents within the Stormont administration but the ones which predominated belonged to those among the ruling protestant classes who were bent on preservation of the status quo for their own purposes , including their own dominance of the protestant alliance as well as their particular sectional interests .
2 No wine region is a better case study of the new Italy than Friuli-Venezia Giulia .
3 At this time the father dedicates his son to the study of the Torah or to the rabbinate .
4 Clinical neuropsychology involves the study of the effects of brain injury on human behaviour .
5 During a study of the various styles , it became apparent to me that if the back legs are set into the seat rails at an angle , this angle , together with the curvature of the rear legs and backward slope of the chair back can regulate the flair : if the legs are mounted at right angles to the rear seat rail , there would be no flair .
6 Sufficient time is not always given to the study of the basic principles and the proper spacing and placing of the movements .
7 The composer Satie confessed to his friends that his music was probably inspired by a study of the friezes on ancient Greek vases .
8 This study of the Muses in the widest sense was reflected in the work of such balletmasters as Beaujoyeulx , producer of the first ballet de cour and later by Beauchamps , dancing master to Louis XIV .
9 A careful study of the gestures of the characters in The Rake 's Progress reveal the trades of the tailor , jockey , dancing-master , gambler and others .
10 At the same time , at the level of practical pedagogy , there is a counter-tendency in the study of the national canon to concentrate more and more on a small and diminishing number of texts .
11 Dr Vijayan , a research scientist with the Bombay Natural History Society , is leading a study of the Siberian crane that began in 1980 .
12 The Imperial Cancer Research Fund and the Cancer Research Campaign are conducting a joint study of the Bristol Cancer Help Centre , which offers a holistic programme — dietary advice and emotional counselling — to complement medical treatment .
13 His service in the Royal Artillery in the Second World War took him to the Middle East , and there he was able to develop his interest in military architecture through the study of the citadel at Damascus , and the siege of the crusader castle of Krak des Chevaliers .
14 His spare time was devoted to the study of the castle , in which he was ably assisted by Clifford Perks , his former collaborator on several papers , and later by Mark Cheshire , a former pupil .
15 For example , this month 's issue of Psychology Today contains the result of a study of the pace of life in 36 American cities .
16 There were long faces among the British contingent as study of the replay showed Carroll House deviating from a straight line .
17 Sir : Contentious points are raised in your leading article , ‘ High time for monetary union ’ ( 11 October ) , not least the title , which itself implies an ideological support for ‘ European union ’ in favour of an analytical study of the forces at work in Europe .
18 This tends to be the concern in Great Britain , as attested to by the public response to the Policy Studies Institute study of the Metropolitan Police ( Policy Studies Institute 1983a , b ; for a similar and earlier example , see Holdaway 1977 ) .
19 Gunter , Svennevig and Wober ( 1986 , p. 100 ) , in their study of the 1983 election , also found that the public rated television the most useful , followed by the press , and then by personal conversations and radio news .
20 These findings broadly echo those of Gunter , Svennevig , and Wober ( 1986 , pp.98–9 ) , whose study of the 1983 election campaign showed that ‘ objectively measured knowledge was significantly correlated with interest in political discussion programmes both on radio and television , but with only one news-consumption variable — claimed viewing of television news ’ ( italics added ) .
21 Any study of the Lower Volga in 1922 differs from investigations of other localities in another respect .
22 A school prize was offered for a study of the book Belief in God by Bishop Charles Gore .
23 ‘ I learned from him , more vividly than from anyone else , that the study of the New Testament is an exciting adventure , and that while it calls for a rigorous-critical discipline , it is not made less scientific if the student brings to it his own experience of faith . ’
24 This is not the answer to which the study of the New Testament leads .
25 Here he weighed nuclear disarmament or the latest ways in the study of the New Testament or the nature of the establishment in Church and State or the Church in industrial society .
26 The divine spirit is at work not only in the consciences but also in the minds of humanity , and the careful study of the texts is a part of that .
27 Yet a survey study of the 1983 election found that this section of the electorate was the most right-wing of all on issue questions about privatization , incentives versus equality , trade union rights , and comprehensive schools , and that over 70 per cent of them voted Conservative in the election .
28 In 1958 , Reginald Bassett lamented the fact ‘ that no study of the General Election of 1931 was made at the time on the lines of the extremely useful studies of the 1945 and subsequent General Elections sponsored by Nuffield College ’ .
29 Anthropology had a place in this scheme because for Marx it was the study of the early history of mankind .
30 We know in part of this intensive study of the work of anthropologists from Marx 's notes , published by L. Krader under the title The Ethnological Notebooks of Karl Marx [ 1972 ] .
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