Example sentences of "far too [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The overall batting , as skipper Tony Wright quickly acknowledges , has been far too scratchy .
2 And , viewed objectively , the risk of death from a single punch is far too remote to enter into one 's reasonable contemplation .
3 The two social groups had almost nothing in common : they lacked any common shared sense of a Polish past ; they did not share a sense of common identity ; and historically and geographically Warsaw was far too remote , and contact with it too inconsistent , ever to exert any power over the Pomeranian peasant imagination .
4 Baldersdale was far too remote for any of the gentry to be interested in building a country residence there All the more accessible dales had their halls , manors and castles , but the high moors sweeping up to 1,500 feet above the valley of Baldersdale was the habitat of a creature which every aristocrat , and many wealthy merchants and other nouveau riche with aristocratic pretensions pursued , then and now , with fanatical zeal — Lagopus scoticus , feathered-footed member of the Tetraonidae family , otherwise known as the red grouse For the locals it meant an extra cash crop during the days following the Glorious Twelfth — the shillings and sovereigns tossed , somewhat disdainfully , at them for providing a back-up service , such as beating the heather to alarm the birds into the air and towards the buckshot , or placing their horses and wagons at the disposal of their lordships so that ammunition , lunch and the essential bottles of whisky could be transported to the guns and the day 's bag of slain birds brought safely to the all-important count .
5 The voice was far too hearty .
6 William Charles , the eldest son , had only recently left town for good , off to join his cousins in London ; young Benjamin was too young to be playing at soldiers , and Charles the Cheesemonger himself was a bit too old and certainly far too unhealthy to offer his services as a volunteer .
7 All I will say here is that Bukharin was far too sanguine in his treatment of such a transition , even allowing for the fact that it was being treated at a purely abstract level .
8 If read in isolation , Williamson 's analysis is far too sanguine about the efficiency effects of the organizational forms it explains .
9 His hope of getting rid of at least half of Beador 's worthless debt proved far too sanguine ; if they unloaded a quarter , they would count themselves fortunate .
10 Something was happening … a drifting , wafting hallucinatory journey towards a crazily peaceful and lovely , truthful climax that was far too cosmic and private and delicious and graceful a moment ever to write about .
11 In his view , the WEA 's Central Executive Committee , by opposing this Recommendation , had been far too defensive .
12 ‘ It is far too defensive and not nearly as appealing as the American version .
13 The skirts are far too skimpy and short , the shoes too clumpy .
14 Ya , well , I have n't got the , yes , the backlog is very substantial er , in terms of things like guaranteed fees and erm , non-stock interest but it 's a long way out er , I mean if we add it all up , you might be far too impressed by the figure but I think erm , we know that 's the right way of looking at it .
15 It is far too vibratory .
16 Food was far too scarce for Julia to bear the thought of wasting any .
17 and , cos she , if she was n't going to marry him cos he was far too vain he could n't have her .
18 Standing over her the way he was , he seemed far too imposing , far too dominant , far too overwhelming .
19 While I am far too gentle and decent a person to criticise any Opposition Member who has joined in the expressions of appreciation of this action , I have to say , in the kindest possible way , that if the defence policies to which the Opposition subscribe — I include all the Opposition parties — were implemented , we should not be ordering a rowing boat , let alone three frigates .
20 Norman Fowler 's speech was far too left-wing for them , so they were heading for the ‘ Hedgehog and Hogshead ’ , a railway pub north of the main Brighton railway station .
21 The string spacing is far too narrow , not only on the fretboard but more especially with regard to the right hand .
22 The gap was far too narrow and he was travelling much too fast , and there can only be one reason for him making such a damnfool , cavalier manoeuvre — he was n't concentrating .
23 Mrs Lowes said : ‘ The plan shows Bellburn Lane as the proposed access but this is a quiet cul-de-sac and far too narrow for more traffic .
24 However , the Government 's approach , conditioned by the sole objective of reducing expenditure , was far too narrow and attacked only the soft underbelly without reaching the heart of the problem .
25 ‘ He was far too fastidious , ’ said Took .
26 I was too anxious — far too anxious — and this put my interviewers on their guard .
27 Ari would be far too anxious in a fully conscious state .
28 At the same time I could hear someone tapping frantically on the glass door of the kiosk , someone far too anxious to clamber in with me .
29 She did actually , but was far too shy to tell them , even in all-female company .
30 I also considered that big bream were far too shy to tolerate the presence of a punt , with all the inevitable disturbance that punts cause , so relatively close to the swim .
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