Example sentences of "far [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So far I am lucky , but I know sometime it will happen . ’
2 But so far I 'm going grey like a house that needs painting : slowly and streakily .
3 And there are a lot of , as far I 'm concerned there are a lot of cracks appearing .
4 It 's your ee , as far I 'm concerned I 'm asking you to tell me what you 're gon na do !
5 Thoroughly annoyed me because I 'd er every year when I 'd paid my tax I 'd pay my er national insurance and as far I 'm concerned that should 've entitled me .
6 It 's been toyed with a few times but as far I 'm aware , this is probably the first serious attempt — certainly at the sort of scale we 're talking of — to use a perched beach to provide coastal protection .
7 No you did n't , you just said you wanted it as soon as possible , and so far I 'm afraid it just has n't been possible .
8 you ruin your chances so about three times a week the comes in to arrange my poll tax and all this and they get going you know well why should a bloke that having a big house and he only pays the same rate as them so I said , well it 's like this as far I 'm concerned I said you know no bloke works perhaps twice as many hours as you do he chooses
9 A lot of what 's erm you know , going on now , I mean , is just gon na go off as far I 'm concerned cos I mean I 've already made up my mind .
10 There was a long pause then Rachel went on , ‘ Ian was n't prepared to put up with that , and I decided if his understanding would n't stretch that far I was better off without him . ’
11 It was the only horse so far which was the right size and the right shape — or perhaps it was only the spots that detracted from Jazz 's mount .
12 Yes well if we take for example er probably the largest of the packages which we have priced converted to a fixed price basis so far which was package number three , er the tooling for the development aircraft and roll equipment which is erm er forty eight million pounds , that was priced in August nineteen ninety two when eighty percent of that work had been done .
13 ‘ Well , so far she 's just sketching with pencil or Conte stick . ’
14 So far she is only able to see things from her own point of view .
15 But how very far she is from the truth , Ruth thought .
16 So far she was sure of her ground .
17 A vision of the other woman 's mocking green eyes very nearly sent her running back to the safety of her own room , but having come this far she was determined to see this thing through , come what may .
18 ‘ Is there anything so far you are unsure about ? ’
19 If you 're not going as far you 're going slower and then you take that up a level all right
20 as far we 're concerned this day 's seminar that we 're organizing , it will be purely and simply local government branches of the three organized regions in Northumberland .
21 That 's the news so far we 're back tomorrow lunchtime and do n't forget to put your clocks back one hour we all get an extra hour in bed tomorrow morning .
22 So far we 're very encouraged . ’
23 They 've gone out for a walk to have a cigar but as far we 're concerned they 're not having a cigar .
24 So far we are on schedule .
25 So far we are in accord upon all points . ’
26 But so far we are dealing only with single-step selection .
27 The pain lies in the reminder how far , how irrevocably , hopelessly far we are from what we might once have had , from what was so nearly within the grasp .
28 His chapters on " Sleep " and " Reverie " , for instance , informed Coleridge 's development of ideas about dramatic illusion , and his evolutionist ideas found expression in Wordsworth 's Ode " Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of early Childhood " : Though inland far we be , Our souls have sight of that immortal sea Which brought us hither .
29 So she had a list of about five things she wanted sorted out and she said so far we were the cheapest .
30 Well I mean as far we were concerned
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