Example sentences of "though at the " in BNC.

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1 I have in mind How To Read , a disastrously misnamed little treatise , since its real subject is How to Write , and it is addressed to what Pound called ( with the engagingly dated Edwardian elegance that he never wholly shed ) ‘ the neophyte ’ — that is to say , to the young American writer who wants to know as soon as possible , though at the expense of considerable exertion which he is prepared for , how to assemble his kit of tools for the job in hand and others that he can dimly foresee .
2 He published at least one book a year ; readers who began could not put them down , though at the end of the book they had received nothing .
3 ‘ Things have turned out all right for them , though at the time I felt like you , and thought they ought to have stayed till eighteen , as I did , and the two elder ones did .
4 Beads of blood appeared along the cuts , which alarmed me , though at the same time I could see that the wounds were superficial .
5 The pursuers were keeping up as best they could but held little hope of catching him , though at the first fence on the second circuit — the seventeenth in the race — Red Rum could be seen to be keeping on gamely .
6 Though at the very beginning of his political ‘ career ’ , Hitler had emphasized the need for anti-Semitism derived from ‘ reason ’ , not pure ‘ emotion ’ , there were — as is well known — no measures in the ‘ Jewish Question ’ which were too extreme for him , except on occasions where tactical considerations prevailed .
7 A lot of couples involved with our singles ministry have taken the challenge of ‘ hands-off ’ courting and have since thanked us for it , even though at the time they wondered if they could not get by with something a bit less conservative .
8 When she signed her first big contract , Marilyn reputedly said , ‘ That 's the last cock I 'll have to suck ’ , though at the same time she seemed to be looking around for greater conquests .
9 Tiger Watson was wounded ; Donald Roy killing his friend 's attacker , for this was a personal battle of man against man in the shadows , even though at the same time there was the impersonal hammer from machine-guns and 20mm cannons firing from beyond the basin and its locks .
10 In general , when they do use credit they are more likely than others to use types carrying a high rate of charge , though they are also relatively heavy users of mail order ( which carries no rate of charge for credit , though at the cost of prices which have tended to be higher than shop prices ) .
11 This slightly understates the true cost of credit union lending for their members , as credit unions can work only if their members save as well as borrow , and the interest paid to members on savings with the unions ( though at the moment tax-free ) may be rather below the interest they could get from other institutions .
12 He was pretending that the errand was a nuisance , though at the same time he was grinning with pleasure at the thought of taking McIllvanney 's brand new sportsboat to sea .
13 The Greeks found this agnostic approach yielded a sense of presence and bliss that transfigured their lives : it gave them the discipline to apprehend a reality infinitely greater than they could conceive , even though at the same time its absence was acutely felt .
14 Hank was delighted , though at the same time a little suspicious of his father 's prompt response to his friendly overture .
15 But Tompkins said : ‘ It depends on the ground though at the moment I would favour Newbury for Staunch Friend and Newcastle for Halkopous . ’
16 ‘ The memory will always be with me of those lads ' faces , even though at the time I was only twenty years old myself , to see them sat on the floor of the aircraft , and some of the trying to negotiate the main spar , and the cheers and tears when we came over the white cliffs of England .
17 The Marcus night junior , though at the start of her second year , was on her first spell of nights .
18 Not only were other Sussex towns strongly characterised by the number of £2 assessments , usually on goods , but Bury St Edmunds and Newbury , also county centres , had a smaller proportion of people at the bottom of the heap than their immediate neighbourhoods , though at the latter , the suburban hamlet of Speenhamland was crowded with poor .
19 It has been suggested that the Arab ‘ test ’ referred to Ludwig 's star , though at the present time it is far below naked-eye visibility .
20 His playing is thoughtful and warm , generally responsive to the music 's nature ; and he can turn a phrase charmingly , as with the melancholy ‘ October ’ and in the flexible lines of the central con grazia section of ‘ April ’ ( though at the start he strums the off-beat chords rather casually ) .
21 Inflation and the budgetary deficit have been reduced , though at the usual price of increased unemployment and the decline of local enterprises .
22 So it looks as though at the very beginning of the 1830s , trade unionism was already disposed to settle into the primary role which it was fully and consciously to adopt later in the century , a role which would be ameliorative rather than revolutionary .
23 These ideals , knightly rather than clerical , were the ones which Richard learned to share , though at the end , as he lay dying , he was perhaps less certain of them than William Marshal .
24 One significant , though at the time little noticed , change in voting was the swing to the Democrats in the big cities .
25 In the case of political empire , the decisive production and reproduction of an area of power was of course by other ( military and political ) means , though at the level of reproduction use of the reproducible image of authority became and has remained very important .
26 He hated other people 's leaving him for bed , and when he saw a hard mood ahead he often took a sleeping pill at supper to stop himself from being clamorous , though at the same time he found his terror about the end of a day daft in a creature who was surely intended by build to signify immortal fun .
27 As such , the ethnic minorities represent a major demographic strength for parts of urban Britain , though at the same time their presence may have hastened the exodus of better-off whites and certainly gives rise to a very difficult set of policy issues ( Chapter 8 ) .
28 Tait twitched , as though at the end of an invisible wire , and his dead eyes flickered into life for a moment .
29 Most of the lute repertory consisted of dances frequently pairs and sometimes groups of three ( embryonic suites ) — or arrangements of vocal compositions , though at the beginning of the seventeenth century Diomedes Cato and John Dowland were writing extended polyphonic fantasias , rich in elaborate imitation .
30 The children were having their eleven o'clock break , but as Wycliffe entered the square the ringing of a bell cut off the cacophony of sound as though at the flick of a switch .
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