Example sentences of "though [pron] might " in BNC.

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1 Nobody could keep up with all the chemists nowadays , for example ; though someone might from time to time attend enormous congresses of chemists , he or she would go to papers devoted to his or her special branch of the subject .
2 Anything of a supposedly unmentionable nature she gave added emphasis to by leaving a little pause , peering suspiciously around her as though someone might be listening , then saying the word , or sentence , in a theatrical stage-whisper .
3 She clung to his hand as though someone might take him away again .
4 It seemed that all of the owners had taken the opportunity of visiting the horses while the train was standing still , and listen though I might I could hear no one else reporting trouble .
5 But if I had to choose a hunter for work in a particular type of country I should have a pretty good idea which would be the best animal to pick , though I might not be able to tell you how I went about it . ’
6 Ellen called warningly , as though I might not have seen the gun .
7 This research indicated that I should be able to obtain my tank , complete with cover glasses , for , though I might have manages even cheaper if I had asked someone who was a good customer of the tank-builder to order it in his own name rather than mine .
8 If I want group members ' approval , I will accept the dictates of the group about my role , even though I might not accept that influence in a one-to-one relationship .
9 Though I might , in working for a different future , find the struggle of women politically inspiring , I am unlikely to find a community in which women were not counted equal a medium through which I can gain a glimpse of God .
10 I could not order you to clean your boots , for example ; though I might recommend it .
11 Assuming that I 'd been able to drag the dinghy in a fairly straight line — though I might have gone astray a bit when I was stumbling in the mud — Joanna should be lying more or less straight ahead , and a good deal nearer than when I 'd left , for it was near high water then , and now it was about the last of the ebb .
12 ‘ At first , it looked as though I might have to give up snooker completely but I have persuaded the doctor otherwise .
13 Better than me — though I might still teach him a thing or two — but the farm is a big responsibility for any young man , especially one with a London background . ’
14 Emma-Jane Mac , in marvellous form throughout the week , looked as though she might beat his time until Everest Oyster stopped at the penultimate fence .
15 Occasionally she could see a gleam in Rachel 's eye , as though she might suddenly ask him if his intentions were honourable , but for the first time in her life she learned to be grateful for her mother 's good manners .
16 Pebbles had to snatch up briefly to avoid scrimmaging in front of her on the tight final bend , and for a second it looked as though she might be shut in .
17 Though she might be an ever welcome visitor in the Casa Guidi , though the traffic between the two houses might be unrestricted , she saw all too clearly by the start of that New Year of 1858 , that her part in the Brownings ' life was peripheral .
18 Knock on her door at 3 a.m. for a leg massage and I swear she would get up and do it for you , though she might swear a little under her breath !
19 She was perceptibly drunk , and for a moment Alison hesitated , as though she might be joking .
20 Her head did not precisely ache , but it felt hollow and somehow precarious ; and she found it hard to make her muscles work so that she felt as though she might trip over her own feet or walk into the furniture .
21 He closed the shutters and , leaving the breakfast tray behind , crept out as though she might already be asleep .
22 She looked as though she might slide off at any moment .
23 She felt as though she might burst with the joy that filled her .
24 The reasons why took rather longer to explain and , like her decision , was between themselves , for strain though she might , Gwendolen could not hear .
25 She had seen no reason to abandon it when she came to Medewich two years ago , even though she might now have been able to afford a car .
26 And her lips , opening to reply to his question , were long and mobile , eloquent even before she spoke , though she might sometimes go on to contradict what they had intimated .
27 Looked as though she might well make a good Vicar 's wife . ’
28 Raising a languid hand towards a grey-haired woman seated in an armchair beside the dog , and who looked as though she might patronise just the same sort of charity shops as Ellie herself , he introduced , ‘ My mother . ’
29 A Phena who looked as though she might have been crying .
30 Not so tall and powerfully built that she felt as though she might break if he so much as touched her .
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