Example sentences of "hear it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 When the congregation of the Lutheran Church gathered to hear the Word of God expounded , they expected to hear it expounded fully , and the Pastor of Tappersdorf was ready to oblige , not merely comparing the German text for the day — a reference to the doings of an obscure Old Testament prophet — with the original Hebrew , and giving a learned half-hour to an explanation of the circumstances in which the prophet lived , suffered , and prophesied , a time in which it seemed a small group of people struggled for the truth and searched for God under the shadow of huge decadent empires to the East — and the West , but he , the Pastor , was perfectly willing to apply the prophet 's message to the present day — and to present-day socialist Germany , at that .
2 They had returned to the Operations Room , where Bernice was surprised to hear Ace 's voice — as far as anyone knew she was recovering with the rest of her party on Moloch — and even more surprised to hear it raised in anger and directed at — of all people — the Doctor .
3 For years afterwards I only had to hear it played and in my mind I would be back on the muddy camp site , feeling again the excitement and fun and tragedy which filled the air .
4 I have enjoyed playing this miniature ever since finding the reproduction of it on page 248 of Eric Walter White 's Stravinsky catalogue ( 2nd edition , London , 1979 ) , but it is delightful to hear it played by a pianist of Béroff 's stature .
5 It 's just good to hear it said once in a while !
6 Just a word about the Oxford goal ; I saw that , I saw erm Andy Melville score it , I was most surprised to hear it overruled at half time .
7 The gun was meant to give him control , she had n't expected to hear it used .
8 His father David said after yesterday 's inquest : ‘ It is a great relief to hear it stated publicly that his death was not caused by his own conduct . ’
9 The Shelley menage was established close by — ‘ Just a grape 's stamp across the vineyard , ’ as he put it — in a property called Campagne Chapuis : the Villa Chapuis , as I was later to hear it called , more grandly .
10 I occasionally hear it said that the Institute 's technical policies are determined by the Secretariat in concert with the big London firms , and that the district societies no longer have any say in the matter .
11 Now you hear it said that we are going to live with stable currencies or even with a single currency for Europe ; that recovery will be slow ; that inflation will stay down while interest rates stay up — poison for precious metals .
12 When they hear it rumoured that the hotel is to be sold off for development they turn to crime to finance their own take-over bid … = From the writers of Cabaret , Chicago and New York , New York , this show is a triumphant affirmation of life and vitality with a full Broadway score of wit , understanding and humour .
13 We hear it throttled into silence
14 When we try burgundy our first impression is that is it a kind of claret ; but something falls short of full identification and presently we hear it called burgundy .
15 The child must be shown the word in print , and at the same time hear it pronounced .
16 In his book , Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain , published in 1724 , the English author Daniel Defoe wrote of having seen the horn and heard it sounded at Coilsfield House ( later rebuilt and named Montgomerie House ) to call the servants to their duties .
17 When she heard that a particular decision had not yet been implemented she telexed Moira , complaining : ‘ BA would be very annoyed if he heard it had not been done . ’
18 I heard it had been said that it was discouraged but er
19 ( ‘ I heard it said of one of Hitler 's speeches : ‘ Oh , she 's in a right state ’ , ’ the author recalls . )
20 ‘ I think I heard it said they met in Italy . ’
21 I heard it said recently that ‘ Christian Aid is a channel of compassion which all may use ’ .
22 The coroner heard it revealed for the first time — none of the family knew it — that Charlie had had a stroke a few months before , which explained the strange behaviour .
23 but I mean things that nobody else remembered obviously she remembers or even if she does n't remember she heard it talked of in her childhood
24 When we first drank claret we heard it called by that name , we were eating such and such a dinner etc .
25 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds .
26 One sometimes hears it said that this or that innovation is not a matter of extra resources but of new attitudes or different ways of working .
27 Someone hears it mentioned in the Bazaar and runs to U hu with a warning .
28 " Did you ever hear it said , sir , that Miss Lavant and Dr Greenslade
29 th th the building went ahead and people every year or two sometimes twice in a year get flooded and they get sewages the the sewer with the volume of rain water they ca n't otherwise get away , but it brings to light what happens i i i in the ditches and , and the waterways that are spread across the direction of Airport and then out into the river when the tide is low because the switches close when the tide comes in and basically er and this is up to date information the information that I have is that the channels are the responsibility of the er you know responsibilities are either kept cleared or not clogged up and in connection with the , with the incident I , I did hear it said that in , in a place where once said it usually counts that possibly and more than the that the first flood was due because the drains and the ditches could n't take the volume of water after they were cleared and things have been pretty reasonable erm since that time , so it would seem to confirm what , what I have to say about keeping clear erm but it may be that authorities that were n't responsible had the job of cleaning them , I do n't know .
30 In his skeleton argument , although of course we did not hear it developed , the Attorney-General contended that it is a mixed question of law and fact .
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