Example sentences of "council [be] now " in BNC.

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1 To increase public knowledge , he set about creating Britain 's first comprehensive design guide for houseowners , called Do It In Style , which Wandsworth Council are now publishing , as well as writing and speaking on the subject .
2 East Hampshire District Council are now turning their attention towards the extension of recycling facilities .
3 And one of one of the things that I 've got on a regular basis is the many of the things Harlow Council put on like pop concerts country and western have actually been used by people who who perhaps live outside of Harlow so the Council are now looking at a charging policy but also we should also gon na introduce into the theatre is the leisure card which actually includes that the people actually live in the town local and the reproductional sort of show if they can do so they should buy .
4 Neighbours say the council are now repairing their walls , but say it 's a bit late now :
5 Er following on er what er Stewart said as a member of the Parish Council I think the feeling er was given by John that the Parish Council were now against this scheme .
6 Bob Russell , who was chairman of the council 's now disbanded recreation , tourism and arts committee , said : ‘ We are best-placed to look after monuments in the area .
7 Cornwall County Council is now acting on that recommendation , but there 's little sign of other counties following suit .
8 The council is now carrying out a work study which could bring a shake-up that will end Derek 's golden days .
9 The council is now seeking a replacement .
10 The Clerk of the Council is now , of course , the Chief Executive
11 Labour woman councillor has suddenly resigned in mysterious circumstances in St. Martin 's ward and the council is now seeking to block information to the public .
12 Limavady Borough Council is now under nationalist control and the Unionist casualty was the sitting mayor , Councillor Norman Reynolds .
13 It 's in keeping er , with as it were , the legalities of the situation , and also reflects the fact the County Council is now the lead agency for services with learning disability .
14 a splendid initiative and it 's similar to the way in which the district council is now devolving responsibility for public toilets , and I 'm delighted that local government reorganization has been given a bit of stir that districts and county councils to get their acts together .
15 I would like to record my thanks to the members of all sites who have given such enthusiasm and interest to this problem , this topic and that the erm County Council is now resourcing rights of way in a way which we felt was necessary and I would thank our staff for their persistence , patience and their continuing efforts with great er verseatue we I am grateful Chairman .
16 The , another point is that that having raised the hopes of the housing associations the council is now actually trying to close a door that that we ourselves opened and this is tantamount to paying lip service to the health and the housing associations , yes , we 'll support you but not if it means that we have to sell you our houses .
17 And the council is now proposing to switch to a fortnightly collection .
18 Cherwell Council is now trying to close the kennels under planning regulations .
19 ‘ The fact that the council is now prepared to take part in a trip to Thiepval organised by a sectarian organisation such as the Orange Order will be an added cause of concern to nationalist ratepayers in the city , ’ he said .
20 The city council is now asking for the House of Commons public accounts committee to look into the matter .
21 It says councils are often criticised for the poor quality of their letters but the borough council is now encouraging staff to write in plain English .
22 After voting to close eight more old people 's homes Durham County Council is now cutting back many home help visits to just once a fortnight .
23 The training council is now trying to recruit someone to fill the £45,000-a-year post .
24 Some Local Councils are now beginning to recycle waste or positioning containers for recyclable materials in supermarket car parks and elsewhere .
25 Many councils are now ‘ hung ’ with no party holding a majority of seats .
26 The costs form a very small proportion of local councils ’ overall transport budget , and the councils are now taking greater notice of environment pressure groups and are willing to promote cycling .
27 With the introduction of the Community Care Act , local councils are now responsible for giving care .
28 Across the region , the battle for power is just getting under way ; 4 County Councils are now hung .
29 Well parish councils are now looking to fund
30 Mr. Kimber said the parish councils were now recommended to hold a contingency fund within their budget to deal with such problems .
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