Example sentences of "peacekeep force " in BNC.

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1 Rasari , a soldier with the United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon , had already scored two tries with his huge lopping stride in a one-sided 28–4 victory over Australia in the semi-final and one in a 22–6 win against a French side containing Sella , Viars and Cabannes .
2 BRITAIN is to contribute 260 troops , mainly medical personnel , to the 14,000-strong United Nations peacekeeping force being deployed in Croatia , writes Peter Almond , Defence Correspondent .
3 The war was frozen by the ceasefire , which the United Nations ' special envoy Cyrus Vance negotiated in early January , and by the prospect of a UN peacekeeping force being deployed .
4 Mrs Frizzell found it impossible to forgive Mrs Dawson 's becoming a widow the same week as her party ; a history of Mrs Dawson one night , and the remarks the following night of the lady secretary of the United Nations ' Society on the role of the Canadian peacekeeping force in Cyprus , had meant that for the first time in years no report of Mrs Frizzell 's party appeared , though room had been found for a report on one of Mrs Murphy 's receptions .
5 A peaceful demilitarisation , even after the deployment of the proposed UN peacekeeping force of up to 70,000 troops , would have been impossible to enforce .
6 UNITA also asserted that it would not start demobilising its troops until a 12,000-strong UN peacekeeping force was in place .
7 There is now a chance of progress via measures such as those that the EC has taken , and via the possibility of a United Nations peacekeeping force .
8 I am not sure whether we shall get the support , but the plan includes the elements mentioned by the right hon. Gentleman , and encouragement for the concept of a United Nations peacekeeping force once the appropriate conditions exist .
9 But the new factor is that both the Serbian and the Croatian leadership have said that they are willing in principle to accept a United Nations peacekeeping force .
10 They will both work hard and urgently to carry to a successful conclusion , if they can , the two processes of which they are in charge — the peace conference at The Hague and the prospects for a UN peacekeeping force .
11 Of course , everyone is aware of the difficulty of introducing an EC peacekeeping force before there is a genuine peace to keep , but the Government should urgently consider other options such as the naval action which the hon. Member for Wellingborough suggested .
12 Arrival of ECOWAS peacekeeping force
13 [ For ECOWAS mediation efforts and role of its Nigerian-dominated peacekeeping force , the ECOWAS monitoring group or ECOMOG see p. 37766 . ]
14 Taylor had earlier demanded in vain that Libyan troops should be included in the ECOMOG peacekeeping force .
15 He was believed to be concentrating , however , on ( i ) guarantees of no military attack on Iraq in the event of its compliance , to be backed up by a UN peacekeeping force and arrangements under which the US and allied forces would withdraw from the region ; ( ii ) suggestions for some form of political expression for Kuwaitis after the withdrawal of the al-Sabah regime ; and ( iii ) the understanding that an international conference would discuss the Palestinian issue at the earliest convenient time .
16 King Hassan of Morocco on Jan. 19 suggested a Maghreb peacekeeping force to police Kuwait , if Iraq would accept a ceasefire .
17 As of January 1991 four groupings continued to vie for control in Liberia : the Interim Government of National Unity , headed by Amos Sawyer and installed with the backing of the ECOWAS ( Economic Community of West African States ) peacekeeping force ECOMOG in November 1990 ; the Armed Forces of Liberia , the remnants of erstwhile President Samuel Doe 's forces , currently headed by Gen. Hezekiah Bowen ; the National Patriotic Front of Liberia ( NPFL ) , led by Charles Taylor and thought to be in control of much of the countryside outside the capital Monrovia ; and the Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia , led by Prince Yormie Johnson .
18 The ECOWAS Monitoring Group ( ECOMOG ) , the 10,000 strong Nigerian-led peacekeeping force , seemed to be succeeding in holding the factions in the areas they occupied in November .
19 [ For meeting of GCC , Egyptian and Syrian Foreign Ministers in Damascus on March 5-6 , and " Damascus declaration " on forming a regional Arab peacekeeping force dominated by Egyptian and Syrian troops , see pp. 38116-17 . ]
20 Mubarak confirmed after talks with Shaikh Jabir that Egypt had agreed to join a planned Arab peacekeeping force in the Gulf .
21 Deployment of advance UN peacekeeping force
22 Jonah said that with no police force or organized administration in the capital he was convinced of the need for a UN peacekeeping force , but that while Mahdi Mohammed was ready for one , Farah Aydid was opposed .
23 The UN Security Council on Feb. 28 passed Resolution 745 authorizing the dispatch " as soon as possible " of a 22,000-member peacekeeping force to Cambodia to establish the UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia ( UNTAC — see p. 38511 ) .
24 Imminent dispatch of UN peacekeeping force
25 As sporadic violations of the Jan. 3 ceasefire continued in Croatia , preparations for the dispatch there of a 14,000-strong UN peacekeeping force , one of the largest in the history of the UN , went ahead in late February in accordance with a UN peace plan agreed in January [ see p. 38704 ] .
26 All the participant states accepted ( although Turkmenistan did not sign ) motions tabled by Kazakhstan on ( i ) setting up a group of military observers as a collective CIS peacekeeping force for preventing and settling conflicts arising on CIS member states ' territory ; ( ii ) banning the use or threat of force between member states ; and ( iii ) collective action for the peaceful resolution of disputes and conflicts .
27 On May 12 the UN Secretary-General , Boutros Boutros-Ghali , made recommendations , based on Goulding 's report , to the Security Council that ( i ) UNPROFOR headquarters should no longer be in Sarajevo for the safety of its own personnel ; ( ii ) no UN peacekeeping force should be sent to Bosnia-Hercegovina ; ( iii ) the UN peace plan for Croatia was in jeopardy from the failure of Serbs in Croatia to demobilize .
28 In an address to the Somali people on June 11 , interim President Ali Mahdi Mohammed said that the planned deployment of a UN peacekeeping force " was not meant to change Somali culture or advocate [ foreign ] occupation " .
29 Turkey and Egypt expressed readiness to participate in a UN peacekeeping force .
30 Representatives of foreign , defence and border guard ministries of CIS member states met in Tashkent ( Uzbekistan ) on July 16 to discuss the establishment of a CIS peacekeeping force .
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