Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [be] jailed for " in BNC.

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1 Three organisers of an Acid House party who were jailed for three months for breaching an injunction banning an event in Warwickshire were freed in the High Court in London yesterday after apologising .
2 David Waddington , the home secretary , announced that he has asked the chief constable of the West Midlands to investigate the conviction of the Birmingham six , who were jailed for an IRA bombing 16 years ago .
3 On April 25 , 1989 , the Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court ordered the release of 32 members of the Youth Congress ( I ) who were jailed for contempt after a demonstration in the State Assembly in March following remarks allegedly made by the General Secretary of the ruling Telugu Desam Party , Ashok Gajapathi Raju , that Rajiv Gandhi was responsible for the death of his mother Indira and had benefited from it .
4 Patricia Cahill and Karyn Smith , who were jailed for drugs smuggling , have been given a royal pardon by the King of Thailand .
5 Mrs Lock , of Formby , Merseyside , said the driver , who was jailed for two years , served eight months .
6 Last year , the case of Elizabeth Broderick , who was jailed for killing her husband and his new wife , became a cause celebre among feminists .
7 Tilghman , who was jailed for five years , fined £3,250 , reduced to the ranks and dismissed the service , is now serving his jail term in America .
8 Who was jailed for passing secrets to the Guardian in 1984 ?
9 The Sun , in the title , the photograph of ‘ the mask of fear ’ and the body of the text , refers to the assaults as ‘ a carbon copy of the brutal rapes carried out by pervert Malcolm Fairley , the so-called Fox , who was jailed for life last Tuesday ’ .
10 A former student who was jailed for her part in the Olivia Channon drugs scandal , has begun a new career as an opera director .
11 The headmaster of a private school for boys , who was jailed for twelve years for sex offences against eight of his pupils , has failed in his challenge against the convictions .
12 It includes Eddie Browning , who was jailed for the murder of Marie Wilkes , and Michael Shirley who 's on hunger strike protesting his innocence …
13 A nurse who was jailed for three months for assaulting an elderly woman in her care is appealing against her conviction .
14 A nurse who was jailed for three months for assaulting an elderly woman in her care is appealing against her conviction .
15 A judge 's daughter who was jailed for supplying drugs claims that drugs and sex are freely available at the prison where she 's serving her sentence .
16 Martin Houston from South Link in Andersontown who was jailed for seven years last October for a horrendous catalogue of crimes against young boys will be eligible for home leave in just six months time .
17 But the officers ' dedication led to the conviction of Carl Dodds , of Blackfell , Washington , who was jailed for six years at Durham Crown Court last December for robbery .
18 The gunman , who was jailed for 18 months , fired into the ground when Sgt Forth , then working in CID , and another officer arrived at the scene .
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