Example sentences of "[vb -s] become [art] late " in BNC.

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1 The campaign against the repatriation of Vietnamese refugees from Hong Kong has become the latest cause celebre in the ufdrop
2 Modern medical technology suggests that Mr Souness 's operation should not be life threatening but his predicament indicates he has become the latest to succumb to the strain of football management .
3 THE DART VALLEY Light Railway Plc has become the latest steam railway to hit the financial skids with a plunge in passengers , income and overall profitability recorded in the 1991 accounts .
4 The unprecedented blitz of media hype surrounding the restoration , expansion and long awaited re-opening of Frank Lloyd Wright 's great spiralling concrete shell has created a huge public interest and lining up to get in and see what all the fuss is about has become the latest hot civic pursuit .
5 The building site has become the latest testing ground for construction professionals with the launch of National Vocational Qualifications [ NVQs ] for site managers and supervisors .
6 Cleveland SSD has become the latest department to face a judicial review from private care home owners angry about their contracts .
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