Example sentences of "[was/were] perceived to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Dukakis on defence and crime and Kinnock on defence and the economy were perceived to be weak .
2 For the social services department ( SSD ) deficiencies in the level , range , and quality of services in the community were perceived to be the crucial problem to which CMHTs potentially afforded a solution .
3 All schools could identify additional resources , ( for instance , computers , a music laboratory , enhanced INSET , staff ) that had been purchased and which were perceived to be available entirely as a result of devolution .
4 In addition they were perceived to be inefficient , measured in terms of productivity , and also unprofitable , causing a drain on public finances .
5 In the course of its report it made several suggestions as to reform of the law to increase the availability of credit by removing what were perceived to be legal handicaps : Specifically , the Banking Commission recommended changes in the law of security .
6 Most of the men who wished to keep the age of consent at 12 and 13 accepted as a matter of course an outlook in which young girls from the working class were perceived to be easy sexual targets .
7 But the Pilkington dispute could not have been anticipated ( although there were issues that precipitated it — pay levels were perceived to be low and the initial walkout occurred over a wages error ) .
8 Thus by the late 1950s both the Comintern version of Marxism-Leninism and a native Marxist-based gradualist model were perceived to be sterile .
9 Rational techniques were introduced to try to solve what were perceived to be problems at the time .
10 There are numerous records of actions being taken against plays which were considered slanderous to nobles or which were perceived to be in political opposition to government policy , such as Middleton 's cause célèbre , A Game of Chess , which opposed James 's accommodating attitude towards Spain and attracted the protest of the Spanish ambassador .
11 Both women , he said , were perceived to be living fairy tale lives when privately , they were having to come to terms with intense personal pressures .
12 Relations improved with Egypt and Syria , while Yemen and Jordan , both of which were perceived to be sympathetic to Iraq [ see pp. 37728 ; 37927 ] , became increasingly marginalized ; in addition full diplomatic relations were re-established with the Soviet Union [ see below ] .
13 Industrialists heading soon-to-be privatized enterprises , while supporting calls to relax monetary policy , could not concur with the calls for strikes and for a new government , which parliamentarians and trades union leaders were perceived to be making for their own political motives .
14 The aim during the Tory Reaction was to use the full weight of the law against those who were perceived to be enemies of the Church and State .
15 But at the same time , an enormous sense of responsibility to protect the church , the family , and the minds and hearts of the faithful from incursions by the state was perceived to be the basic duty of the church leaders .
16 As has been shown above , blood was perceived to be the life-giving force of the universe — an obvious conclusion on empirical grounds , but one which was elevated from the pragmatic to the sacred in Hebrew thought by the belief that in humans it was also the seat of the soul , hence the choice of terminology noted at the outset of this essay for murder and death in the Old Testament .
17 While he was perceived to be concerned with the great strategic issues of war leadership , the representatives of the Party had to tackle the tedious , and often unpopular , workaday matters affecting daily life in the Heimat .
18 Again the root of the problem was perceived to be the cultivators or pastoralists themselves , and that blame originated from land use by them under their own free will .
19 In so far as management budgeting was seen to be a failure , it was because it was perceived to be too much of a finance-led exercise which did not adequately tackle the organisational and behavioural issues .
20 As the gap between the rich and the poor was perceived to be widening , students felt this was bad for them and the country as a whole .
21 IBM said that first quarter revenues were down slightly in the US — where the economy was perceived to be improving until the first set of statistics in April , and in Asia , while revenues from IBM 's European operations fell by 13.8% .
22 IBM said that first quarter revenues were down slightly in the US — where the economy was perceived to be improving until the first set of statistics in April , and in Asia , while revenues from IBM 's European operations fell by 13.8% .
23 The Department of Defense refused further co-operation , the risk of a hostile audience reception being felt to be too great , and there was perceived to be an indifference to the war created by television news saturation .
24 A physics of the infinite was the correlate of a theology of the infinite , however heterodox that theology was perceived to be .
25 pay , which was perceived to be poor both in terms of the duties involved and pay for similar jobs elsewhere ;
26 This was perceived to be a ‘ loophole ’ in the previous law , and according to the White Paper , the new formulation under consideration is designed to resolve this problem .
27 This change of policy was perceived to be an example of de Klerk 's desire to negotiate some form of power-sharing with legitimate black leaders .
28 This hope had been inspired by events in France , where the financier John Law , exiled after a fatal duel , was perceived to be achieving a spectacular unloading of the public debt .
29 Moreover , the economic cleavage that was perceived to be developing in this society did appear to correspond to the religious tensions that were generating party strife , and to anxious High Church Tories seemed to be yet another part of the process whereby Dissenters were thriving in the changed political climate after the Revolution at the expense of the Anglican interest .
30 Frequently , a claim by an employer based on breach of confidence has failed as it was perceived to be an attempt to prevent the employee from working in the same field by offering his skill to another employer .
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