Example sentences of "[was/were] set on fire " in BNC.

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1 Two passenger cars were set on fire outside the Intercontinental Hotel .
2 In other instances we read that museum collections were set on fire .
3 Teachers ' houses and school buildings were set on fire or bombed in an attempt to intimidate ANDES members ; in the right-wing press , ANDES was accused of fomenting subversion and Communism :
4 In September of that year " many Army and church buildings were set on fire .
5 Forests were set on fire
6 Police clashed with steel workers in Guayana City , where two people were wounded , and with students in San Félix , where seven people were wounded , 50 were arrested and buses were set on fire .
7 Cars were set on fire and a bomb attack was made against the mayor 's car with his family inside .
8 A BELFAST court was told yesterday that there was no terrorist involvement in an arson attack when a garage and a car in north Belfast were set on fire on Thursday night .
9 The Palace of Justice ( a terrible misnomer ) was set on fire by the workers .
10 ‘ I said that something was set on fire today . ’
11 You are telling me that up there on the stone face of Glasgow your soul was set on fire . ’
12 Inside , some oil was set on fire and equipment damaged , prompting an argument about nonviolence .
13 A few years ago manuscript evidence was discovered that Torriano 's copy of de' Dondi 's clock was still at his house in Toledo in the seventeenth century , and it is therefore unlikely that , as formerly thought , it perished when the convent of San Yuste with its art treasures was set on fire by the French in 1809 .
14 Thacker was set on fire and I 'm not sure what happened to Bradbury .
15 L2164 was set on fire , having already been damaged during the previous attack on 7th. , and was ultimately sunk after efforts had been made to tow it ashore .
16 His car was vandalised several times and he was forced to move his business after it was set on fire .
17 Before being dumped she had been beaten , stripped and then had petrol poured over her body and was set on fire .
18 One landing craft was set on fire by the bombs that fell short , and many commandos suffered terrible burns from the phosphorous .
19 Some of his buildings were burnt down and the house in Rutledge Terrace was set on fire .
20 The authorities denied that " ethnic rivalry " had been a factor in rioting in the town of Labe in Middle Guinea region on Oct. 29 , 1989 , in which six people were killed and the town 's police station was set on fire .
21 In the ensuing riot , a hut containing refugees seeking to flee the violence , mainly northerners , was set on fire .
22 About 50 people were injured in Cartagena ( Murcia ) and the regional parliament building was set on fire during five hours of clashes on Feb. 3 between police and thousands of workers .
23 Police were attacked and one vehicle was set on fire and others overturned , as the demonstrators marched on the local government offices chanting " Down with corruption ! " .
24 The PKK claimed responsibility for two incidents in Istanbul on Aug. 28 in which a ferry was set on fire , damaging a bridge , and a bomb exploded at the British consulate-general .
25 I think that in the short term something needs to be done as the travellers are starting to be harassed and recently one of their caravans was set on fire though the culprits are yet , unknown .
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