Example sentences of "[was/were] generally consider to " in BNC.

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1 Thus , reading right-wing papers had most effect upon increasing Thatcher 's ratings on the ‘ soft ’ virtues and depressing Kinnock 's ratings on the ‘ hard ’ virtues — that is , on those aspects of each politician 's image where they were generally considered to be at their weakest .
2 Reading right-wing papers had most effect upon improving Thatcher 's image on the ‘ soft ’ virtues and damaging Kinnock 's image on the ‘ hard ’ virtues — that is , on those aspects of each politician 's image where they were generally considered to be at their weakest .
3 These remarks reveal the irresistible appeal of the playful cat even in an era when felines were generally considered to be evil and dangerous , and were being widely persecuted .
4 The archives contain some extremely impressive examples of recognition by administrators of the fundamental rationality of Masai pastoralism , at a time when pastoralism was generally considered to be merely a primitive prelude to the development of agriculture , and pastoralists obsolete relics of an earlier phase of human history .
5 This was generally considered to be brilliant , although it seems to me that it was as much my father 's achievement as my own , and probably perceived unconsciously by him as such .
6 There was a time in advertising when the writer was generally considered to be the senior partner of the creative team of writer and art director .
7 With his television news background and now intimate knowledge of Middle East drugs trafficking , Coleman helped Ross and Silverman prepare what was generally considered to be as balanced and authoritative a survey of narco-terrorism as the media had ever presented to the American public , a contribution which they both generously acknowledged on several occasions afterwards and which subsequently led to Coleman 's appearance on NBC News after the Flight 103 disaster , although neither of them were aware then or before of his DIA/NARCOG affiliations .
8 Col. Djibril Ould Abdullah , the Interior Minister , who was generally considered to be second in the political hierarchy after President Moaouia Ould Sidi Mohammed Taya , lost his post in a Council of Ministers reshuffle on Feb. 4 , being replaced by the Fisheries and Maritime Economy Minister , Col. Mohammed Sidina Ould Sidya , a southerner .
9 The Texas governorship was generally considered to be one of the most significant of the country 's gubernatorial prizes .
10 Although Mondello was convicted of lesser charges , including riot , his acquittal on the murder counts was unanticipated because the evidence against him was generally considered to be stronger than that which had led to Fama 's conviction .
11 Their room for manoeuvre , however , was judged to be limited because the budget was generally considered to be the product of the constraints which the Democrat-dominated Congress had imposed in October 1990 on domestic and defence expenditure [ see p. 37768 ] .
12 At that time , however , in the face of Senate opposition , Gates withdrew after the opening round of confirmation hearings , in what was generally considered to be an attempt to avoid answering detailed questions concerning his involvement in the Iran-contra scandal [ see p. 35187 ] .
13 Although not a great speaker , Gore was generally considered to be hard-working and conscientious and was renowned as an expert in arms control , defence and foreign policy matters .
14 While it was generally considered to be almost impossible to prove bribery charges against those in receipt of such payments — the success of such a charge would require specific evidence of mutual benefit — the sums received by individual politicians were large enough to have contravened the Political Funds Control Law which restricted the size of political donations and required those over 1,000,000 yen to be registered along with the donor 's name .
15 While it was generally considered to be difficult to prove bribery charges against those in receipt of such payments — the success of such a charge would require specific evidence of mutual benefit — the sums received by individual politicians were large enough to have contravened the Political Funds Control Law which restricted the size of political donations and required those over 1,000,000 yen to be registered .
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