Example sentences of "[Wh det] tends happen be " in BNC.

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1 What tends to happen is that bands which are good have also got a bit more wit and charm than the regular outfit
2 And where defining requirements is difficult what tends to happen is that we do n't bother .
3 And wh what tends to happen is the dreams are , are , are repetitive , although they often vary in small details , and the idea is , or this was Freud 's , Freud 's idea , and basically it 's the same as his explanation of anxiety dreams , that , that what is happening here is that the mind has got a very disturbing latent content that it ca n't forget .
4 So what tends to happen is that females invest in parental , i in their offspring , males put their effort into mating success .
5 Right , it 's not impossible because what tends to happen is that you can erm , you can change the product mix of what the consumer receives .
6 So what tends to happen is that world , world agricultural prices fall , right , and that trend has been observed erm , er , it 's an im empiric empirically , agricultural product prices tend to have fallen in general sort of , over the last sort of , eighteen hundred years .
7 What tends to happen is that domestic agricultural production has already been subsidized , alright , it 's subsidized again , only to , to be sold on the world market .
8 Now what tends to happen is , as you know , there is lots and lots of different guests on his chat show and if he feels threatened by them in any way shape or form , what he does he relaxes her , comes in over the top , turns them over , takes them by the shoulder and pushes them into the chair and what he is saying , he is saying , this is my chat show , do n't you submit .
9 Now , for more important brokers , what tends to happen is , er the Direct Marketing Manager , my boss will go out and meet these brokers , and er , effectively cost him the earth , erm .
10 Well what tends to happen is erm when when the blinds erm the only time it 's a bit noticeable is when the blinds completely closed .
11 It 's quicker to sort those rather than those because what tends to happen is that you process them as an entity rather than as single figures .
12 Now , because it 's first year exam , what tends to happen is you to tend to ok regurgitate the stuff you let through .
13 And so what tends to happen is that at the end of a groined bit of beach the area immediately down-drift , that is to the east on the Sussex coast , starts to suffer from very serious erosion .
14 What tends to happen is you pick up a large mutation and then you modify it further , further modifying selection .
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