Example sentences of "[Wh det] could [be] termed " in BNC.

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1 I emphasised my ‘ masculine ’ traits , ignored any aspects of my interests to temperament which could be termed remotely ‘ feminine ’ .
2 The regional variety of a language differing from the standard language in vocabulary , pronunciation or idiom ; it may be the variety of a language according to the user , which could be termed an idiolect .
3 We may call this a disparity of structure , as opposed to Bach 's , which could be termed a referential disparity .
4 Bukharin 's basic approach was what could be termed increasing the surplus by accelerating the turnover of capital ; which included a policy of lowering prices for industrially produced consumer goods .
5 ‘ Indeed , we shall progress from , what could be termed , straightforward communications into the much wider and valuable area of information exchange .
6 1 we examined the purposes of research into materials and considered what could be termed the theoretical , the practical and the analytical approaches to materials research .
7 The latter are the trailblazers or what could be termed the ’ baddies ’ .
8 In all the cases examined with full verbs , the bare infinitive has evoked what could be termed a coincident actualization , and its event is not represented as beginning to exist in time before that of the main verb , as depicted by this diagram of I watched him cross the street : This does not exhaust the expressive capacity of the bare infinitive , however , as we are going to see that it can also express what we will call coincident potentiality .
9 In Whitham 's case it was different and he certainly was what could be termed an inspired choice by the Lightweight club .
10 The practices and performance of more than 200 companies were analysed in detail and , in a damning indictment of their global standing , a team of experienced industrial consultants concluded that only 2pc were what could be termed ‘ world class ’ although a further 42pc were real contenders to join the elite .
11 This is what could be termed in as a a pregnant pause !
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