Example sentences of "[Wh det] would enable [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Others such as George Cadbury , who initiated Bournville Village in 1897 , and Joseph Rowntree who started New Earswick Village , York , in 1904 , experimented in creating model communities of houses built at prices which would enable them to be let at rents within the reach of working-class incomes .
2 The liquidator does not know of the existence of stock records in support of £50,620 , and XY Ltd , in taking over the stock , stated they did not have schedules/lists which would enable them to identify what they took over .
3 Companies such as Rover , Alfa-Romeo and Seat became increasingly caught in no man 's land , insufficiently large to compete on effective terms with the Big Six and yet unable to gain a secure niche in the market which would enable them to compete with the luxury car makers .
4 In any case , virtually no heterosexual feminists have an analysis of heterosexism , which would enable them to deny they are lesbians without making it seem as if they are happy not to be .
5 In between these two extremes comes the large mass of honourable and intelligent outdoor enthusiasts who listen to the frothings and bayings back and forth between the two factions with alarm , but without the detailed information from both sides which would enable them freely and democratically to make up their own minds , and if necessary bring their concerted pressure to bear on one side or the other to desist .
6 The preface also notes that ‘ the poor and disenfranchised communities ( in South Africa ) have had limited access to information and the resources which would enable them to make decisions that will direct their own future . ’
7 They also stressed the importance of maintaining a price structure which continued to attract off-peak loads , such as cooking , water heating and non-winter space heating , and which would enable them to increase the consumption of small consumers to more economic levels .
8 Some 20 participants from 14 community radio stations attended the workshop , and are now waiting for the legislation which would enable them to put their new-found skills into practice .
9 In some other cultures , there may have been socially validated ways of defining reality and of acting which would enable them to be less socially isolated , and therefore less neurotic because less privatized .
10 Employers in this period were either providing from the resources of their businesses or demanding from the state such measures as pensions ( which it was hoped would remove from workers worry about their future in old-age , and would enable employers to dismiss less efficient older workers with clear consciences ) , sickness benefit and medical care ( which would enable them to recover more quickly and fully from sickness ) and , more occasionally , unemployment benefit , which it was also hoped would increase the workers ' sense of security .
11 The Economist referred to the device of ‘ calling in a High Court judge to write incredible economic nonsense ’ , but whatever view is taken of the justice or the wisdom of the report which recommended a considerable wage increase and which formed the basis of the settlement , the impression given was that the government had set up this enquiry to produce a report which would enable them to yield to the miners ' claim without total loss of face .
12 I suspect that they also had scholarly and dedicated teachers and well read ministers and the encouragement of parents who realised that the only chance their children had of improving their way of life was by having the best education possible which would enable them to compete for the limited number of places which were available in the colleges and universities .
13 The government wants parents to take a one year training course which would enable them to teach in primary schools .
14 ‘ Few human geographers seem willing to come out of their national shells and take the wider view which would enable them to understand what is going on within their own countries ’ ( Thrift , 1986 , 62 ) .
15 To put all their energy into learning skills which would enable them to cope with their disability would mean admitting that they are disabled .
16 However ScotRail have now identified funds which would enable them to contribute a much larger sum than they had previously promised , provided the money can go through their accounts in the current financial year .
17 of the elderly sick , the choice would be to receive nursing home treatment under the national health service or the care packages which would enable them to stay in their own homes .
18 He stated that the reform would challenge the insurgents to " compete under our constitutional system and free market of ideas which are guaranteed by the rule of law , " and called upon young insurgents , whose " courage " he specifically acknowledged , to " accept a peace with honour and justice " which would enable them to " rejoin the mainstream of Philippine society " .
19 There was no step up to higher things , but a system complete in itself under which poor children were to receive just that modicum of education which would enable them to become useful and content in their inevitable station as hewers of wood and drawers of water .
20 However , the situation could change if the latter introduce electronic trading systems which would enable them to do business 24 hours a day .
21 The original recipients of Hilton 's text , however , as is clear from the very fact that he wrote for them in the vernacular , were not interested in comparative academic study , but in particular guidance which would enable them to fully integrate their religious faith in their lives .
22 Serfs had to receive not only personal freedom and title to their dwelling-places and kitchen gardens , but also allocations of land which would enable them to survive and prosper .
23 Even the more sophisticated tracts , which would have been beyond the comprehension of those on the margins of literacy and were unsuitable for reading aloud , could have had a wider impact than their style might suggest , since their purpose was to furnish people who could read them with arguments which would enable them to go away and convince others of the merits of their party 's cause .
24 In my opinion the rise of absolute egalitarianism was a tactical move , the C C P hoped that land reform would be the key to the rapid mobilization of peasants which would enable them to defeat the superior forces of the K M T. They thought that the advantages of heightening peasant mobilization outweighed the drawbacks of narrowing its support base .
25 It would n't have made political sense in that how the , they were deliberately choosing cautious policy which would enable them to stay in power .
26 She takes an exit at random and pulls up at the side of the road to consult her A to Z , but there are no street names visible which would enable her to orient herself .
27 She had a driving licence , which would enable her to drive the practice 's pet-ambulance , but she had never been able to save much from her salary .
28 And , despite being fairly scatty and not particularly intellectual , she 'd worked very hard to gain the necessary qualifications which would enable her to attend an art college in London .
29 Following TODAY 's campaign , it was understood yesterday that the Attorney General had called for papers which would enable him to consider the case .
30 Speaking to people nicely may well have been William Charles 's greatest worldly asset , one which would enable him to make a living in the great metropolis , for all his lack of more specific skills .
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