Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] regarded as " in BNC.

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1 In August they objected to a Battle of Britain parade , which they regarded as a recruiting drive for the ‘ occupying armed forces ’ .
2 The left argued that children who speak dialect at home could not be expected to speak Standard English , which they regarded as middle class , and that it was improper to make this an essential attainment target in a national curriculum .
3 In addition , from their position on the moral high ground , they repeatedly denounced many of the leisure pursuits of their neighbours , such as drinking , dancing , and theatre-going , which they regarded as occasions of sin and distractions from religious devotion .
4 Labour members , though generally more committed to old-age pensions , free school meals and redistributive taxation than Liberals and considerably more so than Conservatives , gave greater primacy in their election addresses to unemployment and hours of work , which they regarded as the major social issues .
5 Work had brought them to London , which they regarded as Down South .
6 But hidden in the boy 's answering nod was an equal contempt for Moran 's work , which he regarded as nothing short of voluntary slavery .
7 He was a champion of 19th century book illustration , which he regarded as the last relatively unexplored corner of the English artistic tradition .
8 His strength grew gradually and he was able to complete his journey , reflecting on his vision which he regarded as a promise of restoration and peace .
9 Constantius was determined to exact retribution , not only on those who attempted to usurp his authority , but also on paganism , which he regarded as the root of all opposition to the Imperial House and its Christian tenets .
10 Weber was impressed with the development and accomplishments of bureaucracy , and especially with the role of technical knowledge in bureaucratic administration which he regarded as the primary source of the superiority of bureaucracy as an organisation .
11 Truman 's work focused more explicitly upon organised groups , the increasing number and importance of which he regarded as a result of governmental growth : the ‘ trend towards all increasing diversity of groups functionally attached to the institutions of government is a reflection of the characteristics and needs , to use a somewhat ambiguous term , of a complex society ’ .
12 In fact , there were four distinct varieties , which he regarded as separate races , of subspecies , which had over a period of time become cut off from each other and ceased to interbreed .
13 While he wrote on many aspects of neurology and psychiatry ( which he regarded as ‘ neurology without physical signs ’ ) his major research interest was in multiple sclerosis and he was chairman of the medical panel of the UK Multiple Sclerosis Society and honorary clinical adviser to the MRC Demyelinating Diseases Unit .
14 The hon. Gentleman then referred to housing , which he regarded as a depressing story .
15 Mr MacKinlay pledged to continue his campaign , which he regarded as a matter of right and justice .
16 He restricts himself to an account of the ground forces , so there is no coverage of the role played by the South African air force , for instance , and perhaps the distinction drawn by Britain at the outset of the war between the old Dominions and the members of the new Commonwealth which it regarded as a security risk could have been more strongly emphasized .
17 These included , for the ANC , police brutality in dealing with unrest ; the government for its part sought a suspension of the ANC 's mass mobilization campaigns , which it regarded as a violation of the ANC 's commitment to suspend the " armed struggle " .
18 Iraq pressed for an ICRC investigation by the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) into these reports , which it regarded as evidence of US war crimes .
19 As Chairman of the National Curriculum English Working Group I was given the responsibility of deciding on programmes of study for all children from 5 to 16 , of putting right what I regarded as a major omission in the Kingman Report .
20 ‘ My reply was short and to the point and I 'm disappointed that what I regarded as a highly confidential matter between two clubs should , 48 hours later , be the subject of Press comment . ’
21 I therefore recommended to him what I regarded as a sensible viewpoint .
22 When I asked how the Public Accounts Committee could examine what I regarded as gross excesses and a gross dereliction of duty by the Secretary of State for Transport , I was told — quite properly that the PAC could investigate only specific charges .
23 Er so what I did was something a bit simpler than that I just went through the memorandum and and ticked off what I regarded as restrictive statements as against positive ones .
24 Her opposition to what she regarded as adventurism and ultra-leftism was shown in 1969 when she resigned from the executive together with Conn McCluskey , John McAnerney and Fred Heatley in protest at NICRA involvement with the People 's Democracy ( PD ) .
25 Beatrice was anxious not to follow what she regarded as the purposeless social round of the society wife and felt that the ‘ governing and guiding ’ work performed by women philanthropists was much less likely to ‘ unsex ’ women than academic work or the ‘ push and severity ’ demanded of a professional woman such as the hospital matron .
26 Araminta had wanted to escape what she regarded as an irksome duty .
27 She put down her long life to what she regarded as healthy eating — her breakfast on her last birthday was brandy , bacon and eggs — and keeping the Ten Commandments .
28 Erm I I think it is true to say that the , the cost er reduction which they offered brought the price back within what we regarded as the affordability within our defence programme , er the level of affordability .
29 Some ministers were at first embarrassed at what they regarded as her ‘ preaching ’ and ‘ moralizing ’ but in the end accepted it as part of the Thatcher style .
30 They expressed fears of leaving the embrace of what they regarded as the mother party .
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