Example sentences of "[be] accused of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Soldiers never like being asked to do somebody else 's dirty work , especially if they have been called off leave to do it , and are likely to be accused of strike breaking in the process .
2 New Forum tried to take the Politburo up on its offer to talk , and again demanded legal status so that it would not constantly be accused of subversion .
3 On the contrary , he might be accused of overscrupulousness .
4 Thus women are caught in a double bind : if they take a ‘ compliment ’ at face value they confirm men 's right to treat them as ‘ open persons ’ , while if they ignore the remark or reply negatively they may be accused of rudeness and/or showered with abuse .
5 And her dislike of the insincere ran so deep that she would rather publicly disclaim all grief for her dead husband than be accused of insincerity .
6 Boxtree 's children 's list might be accused of flash in the pan publishing — some flash , some pan .
7 The chancellor can hardly be accused of complacency .
8 And we could not be accused of complacency .
9 Finally , they could sometimes be accused of deception and dishonesty — it has been known for reporters from The Independent to lobby the lobby .
10 Where administrators might justly be accused of partiality in land questions , however , was in cases involving the relations of the Masai with other tribes .
11 In respecting past values , Morgan could be accused of regression .
12 But she can not be accused of lack of emotional intensity in the 15 songs of The Book of the Hanging Gardens .
13 perhaps this is one reason why , despite the Eurocentrism of his intended historical schema , Sartre himself could certainly not be accused of ethnocentrism in his politics ; already the first Critique contains substantial analyses of the political and psychological structures of colonialism and racism , even if they have to be , as always , ‘ dissolved in History ’ ( I , 716 ) .
14 Liability Insurance is important if in the future there were an event in which you or your nanny could be accused of negligence resulting in injury to a child in her care or in your house .
15 Any agency which places you in an unviable or potentially dangerous position could be accused of negligence by delegation , and so it is equally not in their interests to place you inappropriately .
16 ‘ But I could be accused of negligence !
17 Not for the normal reasons : that they 're failed creators ( they usually are n't ; they may be failed critics , but that 's another matter ) ; or that they 're by nature carping , jealous and vain ( they usually are n't ; if anything , they might better be accused of over-generosity , of upgrading the second-rate so that their own fine discriminations thereby appear the rarer ) .
18 I would be treading a tightrope — or at the least could be accused of insensitivity — were I to speak more of this particular sister-in-law .
19 Maybe she could be accused of cowardice , but she was n't ready , was n't prepared .
20 I 'm going to be accused of murder and rape .
21 The Bruges Group could no longer justifiably be accused of negativity or subversion of European ideals .
22 Bean had a point , even though he could n't be accused of understatement .
23 By stating her views on the way out she could not be accused of empire building on her own behalf .
24 Do too little and no one takes any notice ; do a vast number of papers and you may be accused of superficiality or lack of care .
25 GLASGOW University can not be accused of isolation in academic ivory towers after today 's announcement that it has generated nearly £16 million in income from commercial and industrial sources in the last academic year .
26 It completely slipped my mind I was going to be accused of theft !
27 John Major is a likeable man , who could rarely be accused of arrogance , but , from a position of about ten parliamentary seats in Scotland , his remarks were , if not arrogant , at least cheeky .
28 If he were to defeat a Labour government as soon as it had taken office , the Liberals would be accused of frivolity in precipitating an unnecessary election , especially if Labour contented itself with moderate policies as it intended to do .
29 I could hardly be accused of distortion .
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