Example sentences of "[is] plenty of evidence " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , as I mentioned above , there is plenty of evidence from research with the very young infants that their input systems allow them to make appearancereality distinctions ( for example , apparent versus real shape ) at so young an age that the possibility that they have to rely upon records of their actions to do this is just not worth considering .
2 It is a pity that , instead of dismissing it as non-serious , they have not devoted their knowledge and experience to exploring ways in which we might more effectively ( and granted there is plenty of evidence of bad education carried out in the name of free play ) harness this natural power for learning .
3 Teachers should continue the practice of reading aloud in class ; there is plenty of evidence that this simple activity can interest and enthuse .
4 However , even if all criminality in western societies could be related to the capitalist system , there is plenty of evidence of both criminal and deviant behaviour in communist societies , such as theft , murder and dissent .
5 However , there is plenty of evidence that many of the teachers whose working lives will be transformed by the introduction of LMS still think it has little to do with them .
6 In Dorothy 's Alfoxden Journal ( 20 January — 22 May 1798 ) there is plenty of evidence of the interaction of the three minds in the creation of poetry .
7 There is plenty of evidence for this impression of ‘ hardness ’ throughout Wordsworth 's life , frequently related to us by London ‘ witlings ’ whose smooth sophistication he was not likely to suffer gladly .
8 While enclosure came later to the Lake District than the southern parts of England , there is plenty of evidence of rural depopulation in the later years of the eighteenth century .
9 And finally , there is plenty of evidence to indicate that the Big Six and other audit firms are not afraid of assuming new responsibilities .
10 There is plenty of evidence , too , that orangs kept in cramped solitary confinement become not only bored but mentally sick .
11 Although the sacred character of the pillar crypts has been questioned , there is plenty of evidence that they too were cult structures .
12 There certainly is plenty of evidence that women are much more likely to provide personal care for relatives than are men .
13 There is plenty of evidence for the planting of new vineyards in the Bordelais and even a Poitevin was prepared to admit that Bordeaux wine was of superb quality , but at this date by far the most important wine-exporting region was further north , in Aunis and Saintonge .
14 There is plenty of evidence , in fact , to show that standards are improving in schools and recent developments , for example , CPVE , GCSE , and the National Curriculum aim to offer students a more relevant and appropriate set of educational choices .
15 For this purpose the existence of the multiple varieties of communication media , and the emergence of professionals skilled in the application of these media to particular problems and occasions , are major advantages and despite persistent grass.roots suspicion there is plenty of evidence that teachers at some stage or other in their careers are ready to experiment and take advice .
16 There is plenty of evidence in the Review that taking a professional stance of this kind helped sustain the discursive architecture of English studies in the interwar period , especially in taking the disputative and judgemental stance of Parliament and the Law and borrowing the language from those discourses .
17 As we shall see in the next section , there is plenty of evidence that the courts are doing both .
18 There is plenty of evidence of selection and dilution , and indeed struggles over certain socially sensitive passages from speech to print have continued into our own time .
19 While there is plenty of evidence ( as we have seen ) which suggests that users can often play a major role in the innovative process , almost all of that evidence involves situations in which innovation users ( and not innovation producers ) take the initiative , effectively usurping the marketing role that producers might ordinarily play .
20 Even in such classic areas as the Mississippi delta , where sediment is thought to be accumulating rapidly , there is plenty of evidence to suggest that , after building up for a while , much of it is carried away again .
21 There is plenty of evidence today that nationalism is becoming even more powerful , in the case of both new and old nations ; and even within the latter , where vigorous separatist movements have continued to flourish .
22 There is plenty of evidence to suggest that such a diet also helps reduce your risk of certain cancers , and it will certainly help you to keep to a sensible body weight too .
23 There is plenty of evidence of Caribbean influence on the speech of London adolescents , though there has been little systematic study in this area .
24 In fact there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the oppression was merely temporary , being imposed while the king established his grip on the country .
25 ‘ There 's plenty of evidence to show that getting a little puffed and increasing your heart rate is good for you .
26 Erm so quite apart from fro from that , this approach to the whole question concentrating on parental investment and female choice would not only make us sensitive to female choice in the sense of either submitting to a male or not but secondly it would make us er wonder what happened even after a female had mated and we could predict could n't we that females ought to be discriminating abou about the subsequent fate of any fertilized erm zygote and indeed there 's plenty of evidence to show that human females highly discriminated and far from passive even after they 've been fertilized .
27 In my opinion , taken as a proportion of travelling time by persons travelling by car from employment in the Leeds conurbation to the York area , the extra involved in travelling past York on the A sixty four , is quite slight and there 's plenty of evidence that numbers of people er travel to the Leeds conurbation from the north eastern part of York by by the A sixty four regularly .
28 There 's plenty of evidence of Ralph 's catholic tastes in collecting .
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