Example sentences of "[is] hardly likely that " in BNC.

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1 Yet it is hardly likely that even if links had been made a ramshackle group of peasant armies using antiquated military techniques could have stood out for long against the Red Army .
2 It is hardly likely that the candidate is going to say no ; and yes does not reveal anything .
3 It is hardly likely that a vicious thug will wait politely while we ring the police .
4 It is hardly likely that the Holy Spirit would inspire those directions in his word , and then promptly break them with his deeds .
5 The knights were never more than one arm of any fighting force ; and it is hardly likely that any force of knights was ever recruited entirely by ‘ feudal ’ means .
6 Since this is contrary to his teaching concerning the convertibility of means and ends , it is hardly likely that he would be unconcerned with the kind of religion a person might profess to follow .
7 This is very similar to a conditional sale agreement , the essential difference being that the hirer has the option to purchase the goods and is not obliged to do so , However , having paid all the instalments on the Volvo truck , it is hardly likely that the haulage company would decide not to exercise this option .
8 It is hardly likely that Roe 's pump was still in working order , assuming it was left in , and a fresh unit must have been brought on site .
9 It is hardly likely that this could have been true of the greatest of them , Whittington , because his father had died with his estate encumbered by an outlawry incurred in a plea of debt .
10 The author of the book from which this passage is taken ( White 1966 ) situates the beginning of the " great alteration " in dress in 1793 , only four years before Walpole 's death , so that it is hardly likely that anyone could directly perceive such a major change in this short stretch of time .
11 It is hardly likely that a local authority would grant permission for a development against which it had served an enforcement notice , but it could , of course , attach conditions ; and for the owner there is the usual right of appeal .
12 It 's hardly likely that the people in charge would want to share the fate of this unfortunate planet .
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