Example sentences of "[is] highly likely that " in BNC.

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1 It is highly likely that the decision of the governors of Altrincham Grammar School for Girls to suspend two Muslim girls who wished to wear head scarves to school for being in breach of school uniform rules would also have been unlawful .
2 In retrospect , it is highly likely that if Lederle had responded to my letter and Burroughs Wellcome had not , the whole idea of immunosuppressive chemical therapy would have been dropped as an interesting , but unsubstantiated , speculation .
3 It is highly likely that this agglutinin is fibrinogen ( Gartner et al , 1980 ; Berndt & Phillips , 1981 ) .
4 If it is not discovered , however , it is highly likely that there is something wrong with the assumptions ; the data can certainly dampen over-enthusiastic imagination .
5 If he can only argue to himself that they seem ’ interesting' it is highly likely that he does not really know why he is putting them in , or what he will do with the answers when he gets them .
6 It is highly likely that she was the same woman that Emma Southwick imagined was having a nip with Tiller in the back room during rehearsals way back in the St James 's Hall times .
7 Go on any Earth Mysteries trip to an ancient site and it is highly likely that you will see at least one person walking holding wire rods or holding a weight on the end of a piece of string .
8 It is highly likely that the new Committee , due to take up office at the end of the year , will make the appointment permanent , in which case Bonito Oliva will be responsible for the organisation of the 1995 centenary exhibition .
9 It is highly likely that the basic English common law rule ( that ownership can not be transferred from someone who has no title ) applies .
10 Of course it is highly likely that the corporate finance arm and the client will be contractually bound in any case , thus enabling us to dispense with the issue of whether an obligation of confidence is owed .
11 It is highly likely that special forces — 22nd SAS Regt. , and Special Boat Squadron RM — have been present in the Gulf since an early stage of Operation ‘ Granby ’ .
12 Certainly , if one were to divide the primary school day up into " skills and frills " sections , as it often is by teachers and others , then it is highly likely that project work would come in the " frills " section .
13 A survey will be carried out of sewage disposal systems and it is highly likely that major expenditure will be necessary .
14 It is highly likely that interglacial sea levels are represented by marine terraces or raised beaches , but the levels associated with each interglacial are to some extent in dispute .
15 They are the people who can refer clients on to solicitors and it is highly likely that the ‘ Advisory Liaison Service ’ and the proposed liaison officers could have played a significant part in making and fostering those contacts .
16 Near Roman towns , it is highly likely that original churches were founded as mausolea or temples in graveyards outside the Roman settlement proper .
17 Even if we restrict the process to include only lagged values of s and f , it is highly likely that longer lags in s and f will have an effect on their current values .
18 It is highly likely that one corner , edge or the centre of the object you have just drawn will need to be lined up with a corner , edge or centre of one or more of the objects already on the screen .
19 ‘ In the past , TUPE has not applied to MoD contracts , but now , following various European legal decisions , it is highly likely that in future it will .
20 In very serious cases , where it is highly likely that a series of medical reports will be necessary , the first report can be obtained from the treating surgeon .
21 He continued : ‘ It is highly likely that the Lossiemouth helicopter will be engaged in work in the Cairngorms , and HMS Gannet ( Prestwick ) helicopters in the Ben Nevis/Glencoe area , leaving no helicopters available . ’
22 It is highly likely that there was no possible adjustment to the gold price in the 1960s which would have ensured an adequate flow of gold into the reserves of the USA and other countries .
23 Increased dot resolution is an area of great interest , it 's highly likely that Apple will move to the 406dpi standard before the end of the year .
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