Example sentences of "[is] often found [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They are also characteristically weak , the effects of deviations from perfect inversion symmetry ( which is often found for complexes of lanthanide elements ) being insufficient to relax the g → u selection rule .
2 The culture of an organisation is often found to be a major influence on risk management issues .
3 It is widely recognised that the most dynamic English today is often found outside England : from Saul Bellow , Alice Walker and Toni Morrison from the United States , Anita Desai from India , Nadine Gordimer from South Africa , V. S. Naipaul from Trinidad , Chinua Achebe from Nigeria , for example .
4 Right : The Scat is often found around sewage outflows — hence the name Scatophagus meaning dung eater .
5 It is often found near old mills where the extract was used for washing the woollen cloth produced there .
6 The distinctive patterns formed by leaf scars are visible on fossils of the bark , which is often found in coal and in the deposits overlying ones containing roots .
7 The conditions which encourage attack are moisture and lack of good ventilation , but the common furniture beetle , the House Longhorn , thrives in dry internal conditions and is often found in skirtings , door frames , pelmets , under stairs and around trap-doors .
8 The ‘ softening ’ of the spectrum ( the steady increase in the relative proportion of lower energy photons ) is a stamp of white-hole radiation that is often found in gamma-ray bursts .
9 Research by the American Food and Drug Administration suggests that one chemical that is often found in B15 tablets , dimethyl glycine , may cause genetic damage to cells .
10 Always popular , the Archer fish , especially Toxotes jaculator , is often found in all public aquaria .
11 The species is often found in profusion in the clay-saturated water-courses of rice-fields , murky rivers and ditches .
12 birth and as we 've said before it is often found in abnormal presentation like a breach , bottom first .
13 The trend to uniformity ( not always necessarily simplification ) that is often found in so-called prestige accents ( such as RP ) would seem itself to be related to functional factors .
14 In eukaryotic tRNAs m 2 G is often found in positions 6 , 10 and 26 , except for in yeast tRNAs where m 2 G6 is never formed .
15 Another kind of polygyny is often found in species in which the males defend territories that are briefly visited by females for mating , after which the female leaves and the male awaits the next mate .
16 Hypopepsinogenaemia A is often found in patients with gastric atrophy and gastric surgery .
17 This is often found in expert clauses ( see 8.8 ) , which state that the decision of the expert will be final and binding : see 6.8 for the important exceptions to that principle .
18 It 's called Jardea and is often found in water .
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