Example sentences of "[is] [adv] fair to say " in BNC.

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1 It 's perhaps fair to say as well that if if er er a member of the public knows that P C Smith or P C Jones is his local policeman , he would prefer to see P C Smith or P C Jones .
2 Nevertheless , it is only fair to say that this marks a period of ‘ boom ’ in house prices .
3 Haig , it is only fair to say , was never informed of the ghastly horror at the front ; nor did his senior staff know , or choose to imagine , the true situation .
4 It is only fair to say , in conclusion , that the short versus long copy debate has gone on since at least the twenties .
5 It is only fair to say , though , that work by some econometricians ( see page 103 ) has suggested that optimum rates of TV advertising require far less frequency than this , at least for well-established brands .
6 It is only fair to say that the instruction given to children was excellent , almost the best they ever had and the multi-lingual abilities of the instructors made understanding very easy .
7 It is perhaps fair to say that while the balances are maintained , we are on the whole more conscious of evil as an objective power and of good as a subjective impulse ; Mordor and ‘ the Shadow ’ are nearer and more visible than the Valar or ‘ luck ’ .
8 Ii is perhaps fair to say that experience of the kind of thinking involved also results in more perceptive provision for those children whose learning difficulties are less pronounced .
9 The GASB subsequently adopted an approach that is closer to the integral approach than the differential approach , though it is perhaps fair to say that the resulting list of user needs is closer to maintaining the status quo in governmental accounting while leaving the door open to the adoption of business accounting ideas in some areas .
10 Despite the entry for a time of media conglomerates such as the Mirror Group and Thomsons into the West African press , I think it is still fair to say that the primary motivation for producing a newspaper in Nigeria is political rather than commercial .
11 It is probably fair to say that some environmentalists have been careful not to over-identify with those involved in the animal welfare or animal rights movements .
12 Initially , it is probably fair to say that the NHS has always been a prolific collector of data , usually fairly basic data and almost always for bureaucratic purposes whether to satisfy regional or national demands for returns .
13 It is probably fair to say that the subject is too urgent to be left until the ASB can find time .
14 But , it is probably fair to say that any relatively new and expanding area lacks this global treatment .
15 It is probably fair to say that very few hotels in all of Italy can pride themselves on such an enviable position as the Hotel Italia .
16 It is probably fair to say that relatively few such unions are undertaken in conscious expectation of their brief nature .
17 It is probably fair to say that full-time tribunal chairmen are considered of roughly equal status to circuit judges , with Presidents , regional chairmen and lawyer members of appellate tribunals roughly equal to High Court judges .
18 It is probably fair to say that you can not really hope to run an adequate national TV campaign in the UK for less than about £750000 ; or a national poster campaign for less than £250000 .
19 However , it is probably fair to say that systems theory is closer to a positivist approach than the views which will now be considered .
20 In general , it is probably fair to say that the Philadelphia neighbourhood studies provide a better general model for the in-depth study of communities located at various points in the class continuum .
21 It is probably fair to say that communication has sometimes been more effective at very local level where local sharing of concerns over mutual clients has been possible where inter-agency relationships are good .
22 Although the sciences had begun to develop in English universities in the nineteenth century ( following Scottish innovations ) , it is probably fair to say that the dominant culture of the universities was founded on the humanities up to and even a little beyond the Second World War .
23 It is probably fair to say that although some aspects of the economy were stimulated by war , for most merchants it was primarily a source of problems .
24 It is probably fair to say that continued detailed study of the Lorenz equations will go on throwing out new ideas of general applicability , despite their rather special properties ( e.g. symmetry ) .
25 It is probably fair to say that the shorter the time limit imposed by the clause , the more strictly it will be interpreted .
26 On balance , it is probably fair to say that the odds have now moved slightly in its favour .
27 Rushie picked up a few lira and an Armani suit but it 's probably fair to say our golden boy from St Asaph did n't exactly win the freedom of Turin .
28 Unless you 're Peter Pan , in which case you probably believe in fairies as well , it 's probably fair to say that you are only young once .
29 Interestingly enough , even with a wide range of prices and types of hotel-style accommodation available , it 's probably fair to say that the majority of guests expect en suite bathroom facilities as standard .
30 I think it is also fair to say , in retrospect , that Ronnie undoubtedly thought — and the proof is there in the figures — that he was fully Mario 's equal on the track .
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