Example sentences of "[vb base] for several days " in BNC.

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1 I lay for several days in a small wooden room , convinced for some reason that I was on an ocean-going ship .
2 The main features of tabes are an inability to balance when the eyes are shut , numbness , and ‘ tingling ’ sensations , ‘ lightning pains ’ , which are sharp , shooting pains , usually in the lower limbs , which may come and go in a short time or last for several days without remission .
3 Once the abscesses burst , they usually discharge for several days before gradually healing up often with an obvious scar which can remain visible for several months .
4 Faintly bluish spots may develop at the site of a louse bite and persist for several days .
5 Sometimes Finch would leave Yolande in the morning for the studio and not return for several days .
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