Example sentences of "[vb mod] have originated in " in BNC.

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1 There is not the slightest justification for the supposition that , to be valid , religious writing and belief must have originated in the past , preferably in the remote past .
2 He had argued that the prints were not improperly taken but it was said that his possession must have originated in breach of trust , confidence or contract and , therefore , an injunction was granted preventing the exhibition .
3 The findings included caesium 134 which , as it only has a half life of two years , indicates that it must have originated in recent tests .
4 The vessel is described as being about six inches tall and it has been suggested that it may have been used as a chalice , and it might have originated in Spain or Syria and been brought home to England from one of the Crusades .
5 It was very different from when , during my student days , I had spent some time in the specialised wards of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases at St Pancras , where patients were treated for cholera , yellow fever , elephantiasis , malaria , leprosy , encephalitis lethargica , and a dozen other diseases that might have originated in the tropics .
6 Perhaps such beliefs might have originated in theological theorizing of a technical nature .
7 It seems to me that for those , like myself , who want to include divine revelation with science in their total picture about the origin of life , the thought that it could have originated in one that supports their belief that God had a hand in these matters .
8 Those laws which deal with the king 's authority could have originated in edicts ; the same could be true of laws concerned with Romans .
9 Labyrinths of this type have been found inscribed on tombs in Egypt dating to 3400BC , and the same design occurs on the Cretan coins of the Minoan period , though it may have originated in much earlier times .
10 In an appendix to his book , Atkinson surmises that the Horngarth may have originated in a hedge bounding the abbot 's right of way .
11 Triadic harmony , which may have originated in oral practice ( improvised parallel singing ) , was for good reasons highly developed in notated music but remains fundamental to most recorded music .
12 This has led to speculations that life may have originated in the depths of space and that it was brought to the Earth by meteorites .
13 Of the many explanations for the collapse in the ninth century after such intensive cultivation without metals for 6–16 centuries , the most plausible is that it resulted from sustained failures of maize due to a leafhopper-borne virus , maize mosaic virus , which may have originated in northern South America at roughly the same time as maize was brought to the Caribbean by the Arawak about the time of Christ .
14 It has to be stressed at the outset that all sites provided some level of economic servicing , which will have originated in several ways .
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