Example sentences of "[vb mod] be accused of " in BNC.

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1 And if anyone should be accused of following anybody it 's you !
2 Wesker might be accused of being somewhat subjective about the play , a charge that may be repeated as the producer of his own work .
3 On the contrary , he might be accused of overscrupulousness .
4 Boxtree 's children 's list might be accused of flash in the pan publishing — some flash , some pan .
5 He is agnostic and argues that the churches have failed society with their inflexibility and their refusal to embrace homosexuality and , in the case of the Roman Catholic church , contraception ; though Glennis feels they might be accused of accelerating moral decline if they approved such things .
6 It is of no surprise to you and I to know that we are in a erm an economic crisis , and , but I think that we might be accused of being in an area that does n't take the fair share of the cuts .
7 And I still do n't see why you 're so certain you 'll be accused of this dreadful thing , ’ she protested .
8 ‘ I know I 'll be accused of just being another whingeing manager .
9 But I 'd better not keep on like this or I 'll be accused of queering Mr Karlinsky 's pitch .
10 One of the virtues of parental investment er theory I would say is that er it 's particularly sensitive to female interests in , in in sexuality and nobody who knows me or has read er my works would , could possibly suspect me here of fashionable feminist prejudices er so I do n't say this because I think this is what people like to hear , but because I happen to think it 's true , I 'm afraid I 'm one of these old-fashioned and you may think stupid people who believe that you should er say things cos you think they 're true , not because you think er it 's what you think want w want to hear or if you say it , you 'll be accused of sexual harassment by a lecturer as I was last year .
11 If we do n't locate and interview every inmate detained there at that time , we 'll be accused of some sort of cover-up . ’
12 He knew that he could be accused of acting like some less satisfactory prime ministers in this constitutional field , that is , choosing an archbishop of his own lay power without the approval of the Church ; and he disliked that situation .
13 Liability Insurance is important if in the future there were an event in which you or your nanny could be accused of negligence resulting in injury to a child in her care or in your house .
14 I would be treading a tightrope — or at the least could be accused of insensitivity — were I to speak more of this particular sister-in-law .
15 The Croaking Gourami could be accused of being rather a colourless drab specimen .
16 I suppose I could be accused of damning with faint praise .
17 If anything , he says , the IASC could be accused of focusing too much on countries in Continental Europe and Japan , rather than on the Third World , in an effort to put the framework of basic accounting standards in place .
18 Our evidence was said to be flawed because : WE could be accused of setting up Marshall for an offence she would not have otherwise committed .
19 Any agency which places you in an unviable or potentially dangerous position could be accused of negligence by delegation , and so it is equally not in their interests to place you inappropriately .
20 In respecting past values , Morgan could be accused of regression .
21 We could be accused of listening to foreign propaganda even if we were not , and now that we were on the suspected list this could have been a good excuse for having us arrested again .
22 1 What do you think Bower-bird could be accused of ? ( the charge ) 2 Who would be the judge ? 3 What would be the main points against the Bower-bird ?
23 We could be accused of confusing the issue of environmental assessments .
24 Sometimes at the Dispatch Box the Minister displays not just a cocky attitude — on occasions I could be accused of that myself — but almost an arrogant attitude .
25 Partly because , in spite of his professed indifference to the outside world , it nevertheless rankled with Franco that his regime was excluded from all the most important international circles , and he knew that it would continue to be blackballed for as long as it could be accused of denying the Spanish people free choice .
26 He recognized that he could be accused of a conservative , ‘ indeed reactionary ’ , direction for the universities , and of condemning the public sector to second-class status , but ‘ unrepentant I shall believe that in the long run this represents the logical development of both the Robbins principle and the binary policy ’ .
27 And , although aware that the design of the Panopticon could be accused of violating its occupants ' liberty , Bentham remained unmoved : foreseeing this criticism , he replied : " Objection — liberty infringed .
28 Maybe she could be accused of cowardice , but she was n't ready , was n't prepared .
29 ‘ But I could be accused of negligence !
30 If the foreign and defence policy-makers may be accused of insufficient attention to the economic aspects of their policies , it is far from clear that the economic arguments were pressed in a manner most likely to bring about a re-assessment of overseas commitments .
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