Example sentences of "[adv] woken up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now I was about to meet him again , it was as if I had suddenly woken up from a syrupy dream .
2 Tonight , wherever she looked she saw herself reflected and transformed , her face shining as though she had quite suddenly woken up after a long sleep , filled with lovely dreams .
3 Both Gary Smith and Barry Dowdeswell , chief executive of the Royal Victoria Infirmary , Newcastle 's oldest teaching hospital , agreed that the acute hospitals had only just woken up to community care .
4 It has just woken up after fifteen thousand years . ’
5 I feel like I 've just woken up after a long dream ; ’
6 But then again , have you ever woken up at two in the morning covered in sweat , with the absolute conviction that your time on the planet is about to run out ?
7 Have you ever woken up from a full night 's sleep still exhausted ?
8 All he knew was that he had always woken up with a splitting headache afterwards , and often wished he 'd had the headache instead the night before .
9 However , larger companies like Ford have also woken up to the fact that it could help them build small runs of specialist cars — the Ford RS200 for example — cheaply and quickly , which gave the movement momentum .
10 Jim had not really woken up for his breakfast and was happy to curl up in the back again .
11 Perhaps Maury was not completely woken up by the falling bed to begin with , and dreamt some of his dream with the bed-head lying on him .
12 Lloyd 's has belatedly woken up to the need for change .
13 As for multi-processing , Bull says it has recently woken up to the fact that it has a lead over most of its competitors — the Motorola-based DPX/2 line has supported symmetrical multi-processing with up to four processors for years , and now claims to have cornered a leading 20% share of the symmetrical multi-processing market .
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