Example sentences of "[adv] attributed to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , the indifference to time generally attributed to medieval people was not absolute .
2 These disparities are largely attributed to poor educational attainment — too many people leaving at the statutory school leaving age with few or no qualifications , too few continuing their education and too few entering higher education .
3 The poor showing of Britain 's men in last year 's World Championships was widely attributed to insufficient recovery time between the trial and the championships .
4 The relative lack of progress on START and in particular the multilateral CFE negotiations ( being conducted in Vienna within the framework of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe , CSCE — see p. 37335 ) since the Malta summit were widely attributed to Soviet concern over the pace and implications of German unification , and whether a unified Germany could be allowed to be a member of NATO .
5 The drop in support for the government parties after less than five months in power was widely attributed to growing scepticism about whether the government could produce a workable programme to tackle the country 's economic crisis .
6 The United States ambassador Thomas Stroock was recalled to Washington on March 5 for consultations , in protest at the failure of the government of President Vinicio Cerezo to contain an upsurge in assassinations widely attributed to right-wing extremists in the Army .
7 The outputs ratio is the standard method of apportioning the ‘ residue ’ of input tax ( for example , that on overheads ) which is reclaimable along with that directly attributed to taxable supplies : residue of input tax times the value of taxable supplies divided by the value of all supplies gives the residue of input tax .
8 The strength of the West German mark in the last quarter of 1989 and first quarter of 1990 , following the Bundesbank 's increase in its discount and Lombard rates [ see p.37165 ] , was also attributed to political optimism surrounding the economic and monetary union of East and West Germany .
9 This difference was partly attributed to differing calculation methods as to the time span over which PWRs should be depreciated and the rate of return expected from investment .
10 Symptoms may therefore be erroneously attributed to other non-inflammatory conditions .
11 The discontent of the housewife is often attributed to contemporary values .
12 In patients who undergo surgery recurrence and death are often attributed to unsuspected early metastatic disease the presence of which has been documented in necropsies performed relatively soon after surgery .
13 Ironically , Leeds failed partly because they adopted a tactic so often attributed to Scottish football , the aimless high ball .
14 Bits and scraps about policy and plans are often attributed to high sources , including the highest of all in health politics , Hillary Rodham Clinton .
15 Sporadic outbreaks of fighting reported during March were mainly attributed to unruly rebel troops .
16 The fall was mainly attributed to poor results at Keebler , its US snacks and biscuits operation .
17 Writers have frequently attributed to cross-national research the important advantage of throwing light on one 's own country and helping one to understand it better , undermining the ‘ in-bred prejudices or preconceived ideas ’ that attend a parochial approach ( e.g. Schregle 1981 : 28 ) .
18 Nor is it surprising that there is nothing that can be firmly attributed to Christian influence within the first sixty-five titles .
19 The predominance of males , particularly in the physical sciences and engineering , throughout the Western world can no longer be satisfactorily attributed to cognitive differences , which are too small , nor to institutional factors .
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