Example sentences of "[adv] increases the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This speeds request handling but greatly increases the work area size needed , particularly if a very widely used descriptor is the first to be cited in the retrieval request .
2 Corepressor binding does not cause significant structural change in the protein , though it greatly increases the affinity for the operator .
3 The result looks unstable and inelegant but it greatly increases the chance of the arrangement satisfying one of the two top priorities : that the tip of the peg should make contact with the socket .
4 For instance , endothelin-1 infusion greatly increases the hyperplasia that follows from balloon-catheter injury of arterial vessels ( ) .
5 To all this is added ( and it must be emphasised that Catholicism has always been in the ascendancy ) , a healthy input from the Jewish fraternity whose civic and educational emphasis greatly increases the town 's well-being , albeit from a proportionately tiny community .
6 This gives its nauseating , pungent spray a wider range — an arc of about 45 degrees — and greatly increases the defender 's chances of covering its target .
7 A high sugar intake , which was part of Alan 's diet , greatly increases the loss of chromium in urine .
8 It is the blocking of these windows by SO 2 , by H 2 O and by the clouds that greatly increases the greenhouse effect .
9 For example , when selecting a foster home , it often seems a good idea to social workers to choose parents with children of similar age to those being placed , but several research projects have shown that this greatly increases the risk of placement breakdown .
10 Police and motoring organisations say the lack of anywhere for drivers to rest greatly increases the risk of an accident .
11 The point is that birds themselves are warm-blooded , like mammals , and if birds and dinosaurs are as closely related as now seems likely , then it obviously increases the likelihood that the dinosaurs themselves may have been warm-blooded .
12 Extensive microbiological evaluation obviously increases the number of abnormalities detected ; however , these may or may not be of pathogenic relevance as also indicated by the persistence of symptoms after eradication of several infective agents reported by others .
13 Unemployment rises and so increases the army of industrial reserves : as a result wages are driven down even further .
14 This increases the length of the lophophore available to extract food from the feeding current , and so increases the efficiency of the process .
15 Population growth not only increases the supply of labour ; in favourable conditions it increases the demand for both food and manufactured goods .
16 Higher rates of stocking can be supporting using aeration which not only increases the rate at which oxygen can dissolve in water but also that at which carbon dioxide moves from the water into the atmosphere .
17 Another argument in favour of the provinces is that the steady decentralisation of justice from London naturally increases the importance of the provincial Bar .
18 But this merely increases the sense in which the meaning of a non-observation statement is indeterminate .
19 In fact , the present mess , whatever its practical implications for the myriad administrative changes required to implement the Estonian experiment , merely increases the impetus for reform .
20 Heating also generally increases the rate .
21 The overall thickness of the skin is controlled by the rate of division of the basal cells and removal of cells from the outer layer somehow increases the rate of cell multiplication to restore the thickness ; perhaps the dying outer layers produce an inhibitor of cell proliferation so that if the number of surface cells is reduced inhibitor concentration decreases and more cells are produced .
22 This is because , first , ‘ the sovereignty of Parliament , as contrasted with other forms of sovereign power , favours the supremacy of law ’ and , secondly , ‘ the predominance of rigid legality throughout our institutions evokes the exercise , and thus increases the authority of Parliamentary sovereignty ’ .
23 Soak cement in several changes of fresh water , until it no longer increases the hardness and/or pH .
24 Sheila Steafel , in particular , turns in a sharp cameo as the girl 's vulgar , port-tippling mother , a disaster area in fake leopard-skin and stacked heels , whose irruption into the proceedings powerfully increases the confusion .
25 Young age at marriage powerfully increases the fertility of working-class women , but it has less effect on the fertility of middle-class women .
26 Insider dealing arguably increases the cost for a firm needing to raise capital .
27 No longer the emotive outpourings of a composer just beginning to find his mature compositional feet , Bernstein uncovers a sinister , almost malevolent undercurrent which vastly increases the work 's stature .
28 But if this food is in short supply and the whole population is in danger of dying out , then cannibalism makes sense : it maximises the food supply and vastly increases the chance that some at least of the tadpoles will survive .
29 This is vital information for any understanding of prehistoric motivation and vastly increases the range of data available from a ceremonial site .
30 This could be done by heating it ( although it would be difficult to avoid heating the other layers as well ) , but the layer reacts more quickly if an applied voltage between s1 and s2 rapidly increases the power density inside the material .
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