Example sentences of "[adv] played a major " in BNC.

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1 Profits are well up , cost reduction obviously played a major part in this and the F T group is er , fifty five percent up on last year and this is against the background of a five percent drop in advertisement volume and we have an eleven percent drop in advertisement volume from the continent of Europe erm , which of course does n't affect other national newspapers .
2 After 1534 , Henry began to issue ecclesiastical injunctions on his own authority ; in 1535 his secretary of state , Thomas Cromwell , who had already played a major role in engineering the break with Rome , was appointed vicegerent or vicar-general of the church .
3 ‘ Art has always played a major part in my life — both my parents are painters .
4 From Table 9.6(a) it can be seen that bank financing has always played a major part in financing British industrial and commercial companies .
5 However , accountants , who also ought to be concerned with the concepts of accountability listed under Divisions I and II , have not traditionally played a major role .
6 Modernization Commissions , the basic planning units , brought together civil servants and managers ( the trade unionists involved have never played a major role ) to thrash out targets for output and investment .
7 Italy had actually played a major part in getting Abyssinia admitted to the League of Nations in 1923 , eleven years previously .
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