Example sentences of "[pers pn] reminded i of " in BNC.

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1 You reminded me of my mother , darling . ’
2 ‘ I wondered what you reminded me of , ’ Lucy snapped .
3 you reminded me of that .
4 After I was born she put on a lot of weight , and although eventually she lost most of it , my birth was seen as to blame for her weight problem , and throughout my childhood she reminded me of this .
5 Mrs Knelle gave a shudder , and in that moment she reminded me of a Karen Blixen figure in Kenya , who has stayed on after Mau Mau to make the best of life in a new Republic .
6 I was fond of her , she reminded me of my own kid back home .
7 I remember a lingering preference for Ruth Etting because she reminded me of Marion Brown .
8 She reminded me of my mother because , coincidentally , she was also a middle-aged , Australian woman .
9 Years later she reminded me of a forgotten and to me everyday kind of question .
10 She had such colour , such brightness , that sometimes she reminded me of the whirling mosaics , except that she was n't fragmented but unusually complete .
11 She reminded me of a wasp as she flitted round him , a wasp suddenly aware , in the way wasps have , that there is rotting matter in the vicinity , for she had been upstairs when he arrived by way of the garden and could n't have seen him .
12 She reminded me of my mother when I ( or she ) was very young ; the perfume upon my mother 's neck when she leaned over to say goodnight , a pearl of jade clinking warmly and lightly upon my chest , Mommy on her way to the Village Gate , to meet some dark Europeans , to catch an excellent set of jazz .
13 I made her laugh and she reminded me of how Robin had been conceived .
14 They reminded me of pricks .
15 They reminded me of the passengers on board a hijacked plane , forced to fly to some destination they did n't want to go to , yet unable to get out of their seats to do something about it .
16 They reminded me of my patient , Cedric , and in an instant I was back in Darrowby answering the telephone .
17 I looked into his eyes and they reminded me of the saying ‘ The lights were on but there was nobody home .
18 The scene before me reminded me of the very similar scenes in the Highland crofts , the only difference being the now almost overpowering smell of onions .
19 With his long face and straw-coloured hair pulled back in a half-hearted ponytail , he reminded me of a youthful Donald Sutherland ; the same doomy seriousness suddenly lightened by a wry humour .
20 He reminded me of this as we sat on the beach watching Ted and Carwyn having their hopes dashed on the Pipeline reef .
21 He reminded me of the author in Godard 's A bout de souffle who said that his ambition was ‘ to become immortal — and then die ’ .
22 His body was hairy , muscled , well-shaped , and when I saw him strip for bed he reminded me of a gorilla about to pounce upon its prey .
23 Dad was also being magnanimous today ; he reminded me of a smooth politician visiting a shabby constituency , smiling , kissing babies , shaking hands with relish — and departing as soon as he decently could .
24 Whereas in Reine Jean-Claude reminded me of a caged animal , in préfleur he reminded me of something growing in its natural habitat .
25 He reminded me of so many things I 'd half-forgotten .
26 He reminded me of a barrister I had once watched interrogating a hostile witness and I was sure his switch to English was not for my benefit , it was done to put Rodriguez at a disadvantage .
27 He reminded me of Benjamin with his dry wit , sardonic observations and palpable honesty .
28 He and I have had a series of meetings about the provision of the slip road , and he reminded me of an undertaking that I had given when Minister responsible for health matters a few years ago .
29 He reminded me of the tight-lipped heroes in war films — the name and number ploy ; more you will not get even if you carve strips off me .
30 He reminded me of the circumstances of the incident resulting in that conviction which er was in fact that erm had actually er fired a weapon at a person causing injury .
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