Example sentences of "[pers pn] regarded it as " in BNC.

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1 Personally , I regarded it as a good thing .
2 I regarded it as one of the safest areas of Zululand . ’
3 I regarded it as a nuisance , regarded it as something totally unnecessary .
4 I regarded it as a very happy accident that I went to U.C.L. to study English , not knowing at the time that I was going to a Department and to a College distinguished for English language studies .
5 She regarded it as an unofficial library , as remote and as Municipal as the library itself And then , one Saturday morning , she went into it with Walter Ash , to look at ( not to buy ) the text of Anouilh 's Ring Round the Moon , which was being currently performed at the local rep .
6 They declared their hostility to apprenticeship since they regarded it as a delay in ridding the colonies of slavery .
7 Two fifteenth-century archbishops of Canterbury , Chichele and Bourchier , write of ‘ the Church of England ’ in terms which show that they regarded it as a distinctive entity within the Church Universal , and one in which they could take considerable national pride .
8 At first they regarded it as a prerequisite for the socialization of large-scale heavy industry .
9 However , he regarded it as a mark of respect and discipline , and old habits died hard .
10 He regarded it as a fairly accurate way of weeding out the pretenders from the cream of Europe 's opulent elite .
11 However , he devalued the ability to reason about intentions as he regarded it as an immature form of causal reasoning .
12 He regarded it as a testable conjecture .
13 He regarded it as an investment .
14 Specifically it was , he regarded it as kind of transmuted libido .
15 Suppose that within the five-year term the Government were defeated in the Commons on a topic so important that it regarded it as a matter of confidence in itself .
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