Example sentences of "[pers pn] may consist of " in BNC.

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1 They may consist of hundreds of components such as terpenes , alcohols , aldehydes , esters and , no doubt , many other as yet undiscovered components .
2 It may consist of NACAB area and central office induction when the new manager will meet the local and central staff and hear about the work that they do and the resources available to support the manager .
3 It may consist of a tape-slide sequence which can be shown to classes and groups or viewed singly by individuals , and conveying a particular unit of information or stimulus ; it may , on the other hand , be half a term 's work programme for a class , meeting twice weekly for an hour and three quarters each time It may appear as a number of elements in a schedule of work which also includes directed teaching , use of text book , and practical formal exercises , as well as enquiry work , the consultation of sources , and a problem-solving exercise involving the study of a filmstrip in relation to a work-sheet or a passage in a novel .
4 It may involve three or more subjects studied separately but in parallel , as in the Scottish general degree or some polytechnic/college ‘ combined studies ’ degrees ; or it may integrate several subjects in relation to some area , period , theme or problem , in which case it may be called interdisciplinary ; or it may consist of a more open , modular system of requirements and options .
5 It may consist of a single file although , particularly under Windows , this is becoming less common .
6 Typically , this project will be part of the company 's engineering or science programme ( but not necessarily research ) , or alternatively , it may consist of course development .
7 A market may consist of a mere handful of people ( eg specialist collectors of a certain type of antique porcelain ) , or it may consist of millions ( eg consumers of breakfast cereals ) .
8 A molecule may be monatomic — as in the case of noble gases — or it may consist of two or more atoms .
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