Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] possible argue " in BNC.

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1 In fact , it 's possible to argue the reverse ; that the commercial exploitation of his intuitions will ultimately work to the advantage of his reputation .
2 Indeed , it is possible to argue that St Teresa 's mystical ecstasies are themselves something entirely new in the spiritual life of Europe …
3 It is possible to argue that , compared to the staff available to previous Peacetime premiers , today 's staff at Number 10 is actually smaller in relation to the greater burden of work .
4 It is not that prospects for earnings are 10 p.c. better that they were in the middle of last week , but it is possible to argue that prospects are that much better than they would have been under a Labour government and that the market was discounting such a result .
5 It is possible to argue that certain sections could , with advantage , have been expanded to stress the more chemical aspects of topics — eg the section of enzymes ‘ in reverse ’ ( why not refer to this as synthesis ? ) touches on an area of great value and which is increasingly used industrially .
6 It is possible to argue either that the community charge has failed its first test as a device to improve the accountability of local government or that it has not really been tested at all .
7 It notes that it is possible to argue that societies ' liquid assets are mostly fixed , mostly current or neither fixed nor current !
8 However , although the effects on market share in the short term were certainly negligible , it is possible to argue , from a dynamic perspective , that the removal of Rowntree from the market place as an independent supplier eliminated a potentially powerful long-term competitor in world markets for the Swiss firms .
9 Just as schools have been accused of creating pupils with learning difficulties , it is possible to argue that schools create disruptive pupils .
10 It is possible to argue that the research of Rowe and Lambert was influential for the growth of an ideology about the supremacy of the family as the basis for alternative public care of children and young people .
11 It is possible to argue that there is , in principle , nothing more to understand , because the ‘ subjective meaning ’ of an action consists in conformity to the governing rules .
12 After all , it is possible to argue that the most influential magicians in Catholic countries were the clergy .
13 Further , it is possible to argue , as Millett ( 1983 ) has done , that because science and technology are instrumental in maintaining male dominance , women are deliberately excluded from them .
14 In 16 , however ( and perhaps in 15 , too ) , it is possible to argue not only that the two sentences can be used to make identical statements , but more specifically that horse and mare make effectively the same semantic contribution to their respective sentences .
15 It is possible to argue that the SR compatibility effect is in some sense due to the nature of the anatomical pathways involved .
16 It is possible to argue against Moscovitch on various grounds ( see Selnes , 1974 ; Ulrich , 1978 ) and his theory is certainly difficult to test experimentally .
17 As against this , it is possible to argue that corporate power , as exercised by management , is still ultimately rooted in , and hence legitimated by , property rights , on the ground that the structure that gives rise to it is created with the consent of the shareholders .
18 It is possible to argue that the single occurrence of they in the data with a singular verb is accidental ( a ‘ performance error ’ ) but equally possible to claim that the non-occurrence of you , we and these with a singular verb is the consequence of an accidental gap in the corpus ; the line of reasoning characteristic of generative grammar is of little help to us here in choosing between these alternatives .
19 Indeed , it is possible to argue with Taylor and Walton 's own definition : ‘ rule- breaking which takes the form of conscious action or inaction directed towards mutilation or destruction of the work environment ’ .
20 Moreover , as we saw earlier , it is possible to argue that to pay for a service produces an equal exchange relationship .
21 It is possible to argue that he wrote in the proportion to which each location claimed or received his spans of time and attention — and as he spent more than twice the length of time out on the islands as he did getting there , the greater part of his book addresses the west .
22 Indeed , it is possible to argue that in both the fields of child language and acquired disorders the earliest studies to be carried out were almost exclusively concerned with production .
23 It is possible to argue these additions to the ending still leave a degree of irresolution between substance and structure open .
24 Through them , it is possible to argue , as Foucault concluded from the design of the Panopticon , a whole type of society may emerge , a society based on the protection of sectional interests through subtle coercion , whose technology is used to preempt what people can and can not do in buildings that they use or occupy .
25 However , it is not necessary for the restraint of trade clause to be part of the main contract so long as it is possible to argue that it is referable to it or is in some other way of contractual force .
26 On the other hand , where severance of the subject matter is envisaged under the contract and property is to pass at this time , it is possible to argue that this is only a sale of goods ( see Kursell v Timber Operators and Contractors Ltd [ 1927 ] 1 KB 298 ) .
27 It is possible to argue against this view : in Chapters 10 and 11 , word stress was presented as something quite independent of intonation , and subsequently ( p. 157 ) it was said that ‘ intonation is carried entirely by the stressed syllables of a tone-unit ’ .
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