Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] only hope " in BNC.

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1 I could only hope that Father Christmas had one up his sleeve for me !
2 I was a little disappointed , but I could only hope that Celia was still a bit hazy from the drugs .
3 My Lords erm I would only hope that I would be able to do something to my Noble Friend in trying to persuade him that it is n't all that bad erm My Lords I do agree with him though when you I , I think that I 'd be first of all w were to tell him that er not that he would n't be surprised that I thought that his amendment was n't actually necessary , but I do understand his concern , I mean he tries to find his way through the legislation .
4 I can only hope that the bursar now inhabits a wholly healthy Oxford .
5 As an aspiring recording artist , I can only hope you will enjoy your music and live the lifestyle , while you remember that the music business is a career , just like any other .
6 I can only hope the experience encourages America to apply better judgment in its selection of ‘ allies ’ .
7 I can only hope I am proved wrong : things have gone too far to turn back the tide .
8 I can only hope that we gave her sufficient help and support when the problems came along .
9 I can only hope that his kind of electioneering cynicism will fail abysmally and by the time National Music Day comes round next year , Tim Renton will have left office too .
10 To those who did agree to sell , but now find their acceptance forms are being returned to them , I can only hope that you are not too disappointed at being involuntarily back on the winning side !
11 I can only hope Mal Reilly does not forget me . ’
12 I can only hope all this has shaken the kinks out of my system . ’
13 The defended sites in Britain have to be studied in detail against this development and I can only hope that this short contribution may help to inspire more thought and action along these lines of research .
14 It was definitely a totally one-off accident , and I can only hope that nothing like that ever happens to me . ’
15 If it is , I can only hope it will work with all concerned to see whether a solution can be found to the problem of access .
16 I can only hope that in the course of your … investigations the evidence against me is not too incriminating . ’
17 I do n't know ; I can only hope that , by the time he realises I 'm not her , the whole thing will have blown over . ’
18 I can only hope — I am always an optimist in these matters — that on further , more mature reflection they will yet change their mind .
19 I can only hope that when the system has changed , that the man in Guildford will listen to the patch .
20 I can only hope I get another chance .
21 He was a very volatile character when playing and I can only hope that age has quietened him down .
22 The Ibrox manager , Walter Smith , said : ‘ It is obviously a worrying wait to see if they will be fit for Belgium but we have had to overcome injury to both these players at other stages of the season and I can only hope we are able to do so again . ’
23 ‘ If you 're the best lay the platoon has to offer , I can only hope the Germans win this bloody war . ’
24 Some names will occur naturally in the narrative and I can only hope that the others know how highly their contribution , co-operation and companionship were valued .
25 She could only hope he was grateful , and truly so , for all she was forced to suffer on his behalf .
26 She could only hope that Alison 's appointment in London might have something to do with happier news in this connection .
27 In the closing days of that year she could only hope and pray that whoever was responsible for Liza 's unnatural behaviour would have helped to improve it by the next time she saw her .
28 ‘ A great deal , ’ Hari spoke with more confidence than she felt , indeed , she was trembling inside and she could only hope her nervousness did n't show .
29 She did n't know what her mother was going to say when Wayne finally got her home ; she could only hope that things would improve along the way .
30 She could only hope — with little confidence — that the riotous atmosphere of Samantha 's twentieth birthday party would help her to suppress the memory .
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