Example sentences of "[noun pl] based upon the " in BNC.

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1 Among its prominent features , Moneo 's centre boasts an auditorium in which are planned concerts of composers such as Eric Satie , Stockhausen , John Cage and other friends or admirers of Miró , a large reference library , a waterpool and fountain , two external murals based upon the artist 's designs and four sharply angled rooms , excavated from a space loosely designed like a star , in which the foundation 's permanent collection of works by Miró will be rotated .
2 The social movements based upon the latter affiliations , which were discussed in Chapter 2 , have assumed much greater political importance during the past few decades , and their development , like that of youth movements , needs to be examined in relation to wider social changes .
3 As such , the phrase , ‘ I 'm not prejudiced but … ’ is not merely a defence of rationality in general , but is a defence against that particular son of irrationality which leads to hostility against individuals based upon the colour of their skin or the provenance of their passport .
4 DSOM is a general purpose mechanism for communicating between objects based upon the OS/2 workplace shell , and is also up on AIX .
5 However , sources say IBM has been making Taligent 's life a misery lately , by insisting that Taligent use its Distributed System Object Model — a general purpose mechanism for communicating between objects based upon the OS/2 2.0 workplace shell , also up on AIX ( UX No 423 ) .
6 As the market for general CPU products based upon the Intel Corp part has dwindled , the company been searching for other outlets , and last week unveils a range of compiler products for superscalar Sparc RISC environments .
7 It is hoped eventually to suggest training improvements based upon the analysis of selling skills .
8 Firstly , figures based upon the evidence of wills , which are the main source used in the examination of the London alderman class , may exaggerate the survival rate , because in times of plague whole families might be eliminated before any will could be drawn up , or between its drafting and the death of the testator .
9 Hence all predictions about what proportion of the total population the 65 + age group will constitute in the future are little more than speculations based upon the extrapolation of current trends .
10 Secondly it will remain the case that once a species has been judicially classified as dangerous , then , subject to the doctrine of precedent , there is no room for distinctions based upon the fact that some variants or individual animals within the species may not in fact be at all dangerous : in other words , the law continues to ignore ‘ the world of difference between the wild elephant in the jungle and the trained elephant in the circus … [ which ] is in fact no more dangerous than a cow . ’
11 So were the arguments used to justify aristocracy , which ranged from the claim that it was natural ( Aristotle ) to arguments based upon the wisdom of having a specialized governing group in a caste society ( Plato , Confucius and Hindu political thinkers ) .
12 MINIS , when properly developed , could identify and measure the performance of departmental cost centres , and thereby provide a potential for the comprehensive reorganization of departments based upon the principle of decentralization to managerially autonomous accountable units .
13 These remarks , as they stand , are sweeping generalisations based upon the narrowest of samples ; nevertheless we know with the wisdom of hindsight that the trends in question were definitely there in the 19th century and would become even more obvious in the 20th — that families would be smaller , and that the survival rate would improve dramatically .
14 To the east of the Elbe the western demand for grain and timber had helped create and then kept in place a series of societies based upon the feudal manorial order of lords and serfs .
15 He suggested that there are two different approaches based upon the basic perceptions that the manager had of the workforce .
16 DEC , which will ‘ make it easy for users of dead end systems to move to Alpha , ’ says it is still committed to delivering RISC/Ultrix systems based upon the MIPS Technologies Inc R4000 processor next year .
17 One of ACE 's claims is that members will be able to develop systems based upon the same building blocks which are sufficiently differentiated to enable them to go after separate market niches .
18 Following its fellow Motorola Inc 88000 travellers , Dolphin Server Technology AS ( UX No 376 ) and Harris Corp 's computer division ( UX No 380 ) , Data General Corp — which admits to having chewed the fat over alternative RISCs , but has decided to stick with the 88000 series ( UX No 376 ) — is expected to announce its own plans for systems based upon the next generation 88110 shortly , likely to include a complete re-haul of its existing AViiON workstation and server series .
19 Silicon Graphics Inc is moving on down this this week , with the launch of new ‘ RISC PC ’ desktop systems , presumably ACE systems based upon the MIPS R4000 chip .
20 It will be shown how conclusions based upon the analytical economic framework may need at least some qualification when these other matters are brought into account .
21 Therefore , most of our knowledge of the make-up of the stars has been drawn from instruments based upon the principle of the spectroscope .
22 This work tackles two other areas which are relevant to natural language indexing : Chapter 11 discusses the generation of printed indexes based upon the words in titles ; it also reviews some of the basic strengths and limitations of natural language indexing in the context of printed indexes based entirely upon titles alone ; Chapter 17 considers post-coordinate indexing and online searching of databases .
23 His first act was to seize possession of the Leonine City in Rome , which came under attack from rebellious Roman citizens based upon the Capitol .
24 Thus prevalence estimates based upon the GHS will under-report the true prevalence by excluding a highly dependent and disabled group .
25 As the discussion of power in Chapter 2 showed , pluralist approaches have explicitly rejected the notion that one can derive a causal explanation of policy outcomes based upon the congruence of the policy outcome with the interests of a particular group or class — that the congruence between the policy outcome and the interests of a group offers strong evidence to support ascribing power to the group .
26 This provides four family types based upon the assumed future socio-economic class of the 19 year old child — stable middle class , stable working class , upwardly mobile working class and downwardly mobile middle class .
27 The Latvian party leader Boris Pugo attacked the ‘ boundless diktat of the union ministries ’ and called for the establishment of ‘ genuine sovereignty ’ for the union republics based upon the principle of self-financing .
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