Example sentences of "[noun pl] regard themselves as " in BNC.

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1 There was a time when most Scots regarded themselves as members of one or other of the main Christian denominations .
2 For instance , nearly 30 per cent of the men in Townsend 's sample in ‘ managerial ’ occupations regarded themselves as working class , and at the other end of the scale 20 per cent of Butler and Stokes ' ‘ unskilled manual ’ workers regarded themselves as middle class .
3 The Benedictine monasteries regarded themselves as islands of true Christianity in a sea of pagan barbarism and it was not until the eleventh century that the monks of the abbey of Cluny and its affiliated houses began a campaign that was able to educate the laity and local clergy .
4 The Kurds regard themselves as a separate race of people from the rest of Iraq and wish to join with the Kurds of Turkey and make a new Kurdish state .
5 For instance , nearly 30 per cent of the men in Townsend 's sample in ‘ managerial ’ occupations regarded themselves as working class , and at the other end of the scale 20 per cent of Butler and Stokes ' ‘ unskilled manual ’ workers regarded themselves as middle class .
6 Members of most non-Western societies regard themselves as the most superior form of being , in possession of the most desirable qualities .
7 Some merely regard their function as a necessary official procedure best conducted with the least possible fuss and difficulty , while others regard themselves as the only impartial authority capable of investigating a sequence of events involving fatality no matter how technically complicated it might be .
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