Example sentences of "[noun pl] around [art] back " in BNC.

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1 Although John Wright had been due to send Hanns a letter about the technical requirements , it was actually the choreographer who wrote again in late September , suggesting simplification to avoid distracting the eye and adding ‘ You must design several feet around the back cloth , otherwise what you have designed will be cut off by the back legs and flies ’ .
2 Kelly tied her laces around the back of her heel to combat loose shoes but ended up with a rubbed Achilles tendon .
3 The members regarded the course as satisfactory , although at the next month 's committee meeting the decision was taken to dig trenches around the back and across the 4th green .
4 This provides the compound curve necessary so that the rail curves around the back and upwards at the same time .
5 Once when I was looking out the back of the palace and shots around the back and a shell hit the palace , so it came in my eyes and it hit
6 Old-style one-piece maple necks with walnut fillets around the back are the order of the day .
7 There 's sunbursts and there 's sunbursts , and although this one is flawed by a couple of sanding marks around the back , the overall effect is more than a little tasty .
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