Example sentences of "[vb pp] as resulting from " in BNC.

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1 The first is that the act of self-poisoning may have been rewarding in so far as any subsequent positive changes could be seen as resulting from the act itself .
2 Retarded development , disturbed patterns of behaviour , inability to form relationships or to be self-sufficient have been seen as resulting from disease or physiological abnormality .
3 As we have seen , one of the main intentions of interactionism was to get away from the conservative , causal-corrective stance that was seen as resulting from the determinism and absolutism of positivist criminology .
4 Second , that ‘ splits ’ within the psyche should be seen as resulting from the interference of patriarchal or male-dominated socialisation or conditioning .
5 The argument of this paper , therefore , is that language learning should be seen as resulting from an interaction between an organism pre-adapted to the learning task and an environment which , to varying degrees , facilitates that task by providing the evidence that the organism requires .
6 The dramatic shake-ups during those periods do not suddenly appear out of nowhere but should be seen as resulting from the more gradual and less fundamental changes that had been occurring within the old structure 's context over previous decades .
7 Its presence can perhaps most easily be seen as resulting from more ( or fewer ) demanders than average being located in the th market .
8 He argues that there is no single causal explanation for Britain 's decline ; rather , it has to be seen as resulting from a convergence of pluralist stagnation , a decline of class , and a revolt against authority .
9 That rate of : wage inflation which can be attributed solely to union militancy can be regarded as resulting from the power struggle between unions and employers for a bigger share of the national ‘ cake ’ and between the unions themselves for higher places in the wages ‘ league table ’ .
10 It is also what is involved when modern descriptions of the moon 's trajectory are retained and observation statements referring to the fact that the moon is much larger when it is near the horizon than when it is high in the sky are regarded as resulting from an illusion , even though the cause of the illusion is not well understood .
11 This could be explained as resulting from the dynamical drag of the surrounding gas provided that the galaxies start off with individual dark haloes .
12 Furthermore , while the corporate constitution has a partially contractual basis , there are also significant mandatory elements , and many of those ingredients which are attributable to private ordering are more accurately described as resulting from management imposition than a process of contracting .
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